Man fukk that.. UFC is not better. They be hugging the clinching in UFC matches as well. The ref's force fighters to break and restart all the time. Fans want blood basically. They want to see people get hurt. That's why gladiators were so popular. That's why these reality shows bait casts members into fighting. It is what it is. The actual boxers doing the complaining have nothing to show for the bytching and moaning though. I could see if you beat someone then pop shyt about that fighter running or dancing. But if you couldn't beat him what does that say about you? It say's your fighting style is based on other fighters standing in front of you and taking shots. Felix Trinidad and a lot of knock outs but is actually boxing acumen was limited. Once B Hop exposed him for what he was he fought a few more times before retiring.

hes not exactly wrong about trinidad, if you could give him movement and avoid his power he was beatable, against hopkins, de la hoya and wright he showed that. Winky didint move but he had no answer for his jab.
Those were 2 prime HOFers....and even though I

Tito stans about it, he got the official W over DLH at the end of the day, so he didnt lose that fight.
As far as Winky Wright, who was also another prime HOFer Tito faced, he lost to Winky Wright in his 2nd fight back after a 2 1/2 years hiatus from the sport.
Saying "if you could give him movement and avoid his power...he was beatable" makes it sound easy and Tito was a limited fighter, which he wasnt. And if it was that easy, he would've lost to any B fighter or better....including Vargas, who wasnt some green, up and coming contender.
Cotto to me is a superior all around fighter from a boxing sense, i dont think hes that far off.
Tito would've destroyed Cotto. Much too big, too strong, too accurate of a puncher. He would've Margarito'd Cotto at either 147, 154, or 160....whichever weight class Cotto wanted to take his knee in.
Vargas came very close to beating him and Vargas was rushed and too young but he could definately box. if vargas would have been given more time to develop himself, he very well could have and should have outboxed trinidad.
Breh, we must've watched 2 different fights, because that fight with Tito vs Vargas was not all.
Even if he had been given more time to develop, Vargas wouldnt ever beat Tito, because he had too much "Mexican pride" which = disaster against a puncher the magnitude of Tito Trinidad. He didnt have the patience or mentality to "outbox" Trinidad for 12 rounds which is why he was dropped 3x and KOd in the last round...not including the fact he was dropped twice in the 1st round as well for rushing out there trying to prove he could bang with Tito.
He could be dragged into firefights due having too MUCH ego/pride to get caught with a huge shot and stick to a gameplan of boxing.