tapia needs to work on his defense..soro is picking him apart
Be a Dominican in boxing brehs
I have a friend that worked w him back when he trained in Passaic.
He had potential to be decent but his previous corner ruined him in that Kirkland fight. nikka was legit nodding off in between rounds and they still sent him out there, those fakkits could have got him killed.
I come back from work and see this

offensively Tapia isnt even BAD. Hes above average, he even uses a jab. Thats crazy in 2015

Defensively this nikka is trash dookie. He got caught by every jab, never moved his head.

Ref didnt score a KD even though his gloves touched the floor, ref kinda shytted on tapia. Its all on Tapia though, shoulda taken a knee.
Real talk, if my sons mother isnt black or mexican im not letting this dude ever lace up gloves. Dominicans are cursed