Not to change the subject, but was anybody else kinda disappointed with the ring walks on Saturday? The walk is a part of boxing that I enjoy seeing, the fighter with his peoples making their way to the ring, coming out of a tunnel. I'm not feeling the contestant feel of standing at the top of some stairs. I've never been in boxing shoes, so I don't know what it's like to walk in them, but I cringed seeing them walk down the step like one of these days someone is going to stumble.
Something else too, although I didn't turn it on until right before Molina was about to make his entrance, I don't think they showed hardly any highlights from any of the fighters before the fights. Or just minimal. Had me wondering if GB/Showtime were preventing Haymon/NBC from using the footage.
Something else too, although I didn't turn it on until right before Molina was about to make his entrance, I don't think they showed hardly any highlights from any of the fighters before the fights. Or just minimal. Had me wondering if GB/Showtime were preventing Haymon/NBC from using the footage.