Bhop not beating Adonis.. This his last fight

He walking into the sunset with a W breh breh
Bhop not beating Adonis.. This his last fight
He's top 10 all-time middleweight though, but accounting for every fighter across every weight class, and then throwing Hopkins in the top 10? Nah.
1st parts missing, but this shyt is piff. Dudes did Gerald dirty, especially the ref and his "trainer".
Yeah, I don't think this would've happened if he kept Emmanuel Steward in his corner, and we might have even seen Jones-McClellan. It's a shame that Roy is still fighting even though he's seen the condition Gerald is in, although he is still supporting him financially. Don King is a motherfukker, it was disgusting to see him courting Benn directly after the i mentioned in the gif thread..its a shame that this fight is so tragic you can't just talk about the action which was..benn-mcclellan is prolly the best fight ive seen at 168.....prolly in the history of 168..well that maybe going too far lol...but so many things that were wrong came to a head that night
It's ridiculousSo HBO once again blows it and are trying to shift blame in any way possible. It is sad how that network has allowed itself to fall off so bad when it comes to boxing. Hershman needs to be given the boot ASAP.
1st parts missing, but this shyt is piff. Dudes did Gerald dirty, especially the ref and his "trainer".
heres the whole vid
Mcclellan's trainer making himself look like a idiot
googled the storyGood looks
Another good documentary, this one on Ray Mancini and the Duk Koo Kim fight, Mancini finally meets the son of the Duk Koo Kim.
Yeah, Kim's mom drank a bottle of pesticide because the family was squabbling over the $10,000 that was coming to the family. The ref committed suicide, but family and friends said it had nothing to do with the Kim fight, but that he was constantly depressed. When you watch the Mancini-Kim fight, he did a good job, so you can't even really fault him for a tragic accident.googled the story
crazy that his mother and the ref committed suicide months later