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Ari Gold Bawse

The Bawse of all Bosses
Jul 4, 2013
I understand French and read the article so I`ll give you a brief summary. The article starts off talking about the first few years of his life in Haiti where at the age of 4 he saw a man gunned down in front of him while he was out playing with friends on the street. His father passed away before he was born and it is unclear how he actually died and from what, but according to the article he was known as an athlete and very good at karate. At the age of 7 his mother who left her son behind in Haiti with family managed to secure enough money to bring him his older brother and a younger sister over to Montreal.

His mother remarries a native Quebecer with who she will have three other children and the family moves from an apartment in one of the shyttier and most run down parts of the city called Cote-des-Neiges (I used to live there myself, its still a shythole) to a bungalow just outside the city in Laval. He isn`t allowed to bring any friends over because the house was overcrowded with all the family there, and frustrated with life at home he decides to live on the streets or with friends and leaves at the age of 14. He often sleeps in the subway at night and eventually at the age of 15 comes under the wing and influence of an older 17 year old teen nicknamed "Fox".

One day this Fox character takes him and few other teens of whom he was their ring leader of a gang called the Black Panthers who was affiliated with one of the major street gangs in the Northern and Eastern parts of the city called the "Crack Down Posse" to a kick-boxing gym run by a man called Tiger Paul. Fox ask him to evaluate his crew and see which of them has the most potential to go far as a fighter. After showing each of them the basics and watching them in action Tiger tells him that Adonis who was the biggest and strongest of the group by far also had the most potential.

So Fox gives him money to start training "his" fighter as he put it and Tiger starts showing him the ropes. Adonis tells him however that he feels boxing would be more lucrative and that he would prefer learning how to box instead, so Tiger refers him to a trainer in Brooklyn to take over his training. Adonis and his "manager" Fox go down to meet this trainer in Brooklyn who says he will take on Adonis for a 35% cut of all future earnings to which Fox is adamantly opposed and they come back to Montreal. Tiger says he told Adonis to ignore Fox and sign the contract but Adonis ignored his advice and he and Fox turned to crime instead.

Fast forward a few years Adonis 21, and Fox 23, who remained inseparable over the years decide to start an escort agency with another gang member with a fourth to join them at a later date. The name of the Agency is "Obsession". They recruit several girls between the ages of 17-25 from various places and each of the leading gang members has a girl who they recruited and who is in love with them and who are willing to do anything to please them. They each work 24-7 and are kept together in the same apartment which they cannot leave without permission and they only get 20 dollars a day to go out and eat some McDonald`s while under the watchful eye of the gang. They turn tricks at 120$ a pop and two of the girls estimate that over the course of several months they gave to Adonis close to 40000$ in profits.

The situation started deteriorating after several months because the gang leaders felt the girls were not bringing in enough money, so they started beating on the girls regularly and threatening them on a daily basis. Adonis`s girl "Isabelle" tells her co-worker "Roxanne" that she is tired of the beatings and that she wants him dead, one night in particular after she didn`t bring him home enough money he threatened her with a knife and gave her two options, either she gets sodomized by the blade or by Adonis. The other girl replies saying that they would be better off killing the ring-leader Fox instead and that she has a client who can help them get rid of him.

Before that plan is put in motion however "Isabelle" panics and reveals the whole plot to Fox who flies into a rage and that evening each gang member gives a vicious beating to "Roxanne" shattering her nose, fracturing her jaw and some ribs and leaving her a bloody mess and threatening to stab and cut her repeatedly. She eventually blurts out that Isabelle has been keeping her tips and not handing them over to the gang and so they turn on her and give her the same treatment and beat her as well although not as severely. Adonis did threaten her with a knife however and pressed her fingers on the blade threatening to cut them off but not carrying out his threat after all, and then telling her "Come to bed. You know you`re my girl and that I love you, right?".

Eventually the ring-leader Fox decides to punish the girls further by forcing them to fight each other for his and Adonis` amusement, and tells each girl "if you don`t knock her out, I`ll knock you out instead". Fast forward to September of that year and Roxanne after begging for weeks to be allowed to have lunch with her father is finally granted permission to do so, she puts on a ridiculous amount of make-up to hide the still very visible bruises and scars and as soon as she sees her father she breaks down in tears and tells him everything that has happened to her and the other girls. Her father immediately hides his daughter somewhere safe and calls the police. Her disappearance puts the gang in a panic and they start moving the girls out of the apartment abd move them around from one motel to another for an undisclosed amount of time, but since the police doesn`t show up at the apartment they eventually bring the girls back and resume operations.

However on the morning of October 21 the police finally do arrive and arrest all the gang members and rescue the captive girls and a total of 32 accusations are levelled against them with charges including uttering death threats and aggravated assault and battery. During their first appearance in court they each ask to be freed while pending trial and Stevenson mentions that he would like to participate in the coming Olympics and that he has been training six hours a day for months in preparation for it, but the judge refuses on the grounds that they each present a clear and present danger to society.

heres a good summary of his history.

someone on a boxing forum im on translated it



Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012

#3 ranked Light Heavyweight Sergey Kovalev vs. Ismayl Sillakh wait a minute fellas, this is the same Ismayl that got stopped previously by Denis Grachev and hasn't beaten anyone of significance, ever. He did what he was supposed to do against a guy not deserving of a title fight nor HBO showcase. With that said, can't wait to see Kovalev again, he's a beast.


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012

#4 ranked Junior Flyweight Donnie Nietes vs. Sammy Gutierrez

Nietes-Fuentes II is gonna be :ohlawd:


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012

#1 ranked Light Heavyweight Adonis Stevenson vs. #6 ranked Light Heavyweight Tony Bellew

I expected a fight like this with Bellew not wanting to exert his normal pressure style due to Superman's power. Bellew is a tough cat and thank GOD the ref didn't listen to Bellew and let him go out on his shield because he was completely defenseless in that corner. I think him in against someone like Karo Murat would be an all action fight. Or maybe Bellew vs. Cleverly II or Enzo Mac. Stevenson, much like Kovalev, has many options and I can't wait to see his next fight.