Had Holyfield won and been that title holder he would have not got Tyson, whats so hard for you to understand this.....
Or are you busy trying to move the goalpost with semantics, over something that happened like 20 years ago Im clearly going off the top of the head, because the facts is so harsh
Holyfied got the call and knew what to do, never had I seen a fighter make a million excuses beforehand, giving his opponent that mental edge, Holyfield looking like 45 year old field seemingly all that match, then turns on th ligh switch at will, then lays down on a shoulder shot, making people question is his career over the goes back to looking like prime field in his next 2 outings...........................
Although this is our favorite fighters dives happen, Majority of Tyson post career was the result of dives n fukkery, ODH dived vs BHOP, Manny dived vs Bradley, it very prevalent in this sport no matter how hard wer put on the blinders