IFL TV, Seconds Out and Behind the Gloves all removed the video off their YT channel where Mark Tibbs, BJS' trainer tells them that he stopped the fight cause he asked BJS if he's okay and didn't get the answer he was looking for.
Shambolic that a known front for a criminal organization can work in broad daylight in boxing even in 2021. And pay off/threaten media outlets with 10-100 thousands of followers to take videos down. IFL is an MTK shill now, used to like them but didn't know all that I know about MTK then. So I was expecting them shilling but Behind the Gloves and especially Seconds Out doing it as well is disappointing, I thought they have more integrity.
All of it for an irrelevant shyt like this and it makes them look worse too not better. BJS is a shytty person who deserved some trolling after all the stuff he's done and said, I'm sure ppl would have moved on in a few weeks due to the seriousness of the injury, but now I'm gonna say he quit just for the sake of it, to annoy these shady mfers with their new narrative that BJS wanted to continue when we could see he didn't.
Daniel Dubois left Mark Tibbs a day or 2 ago without having one fight with him... Mark Tibbs' Instagram account supposedly got hacked too, also in the last few days

What are the odds?
MTK now is a promoter too, I'm gonna make sure I exclusively streaming their events illegal going forward, I won't put money into the Kinahan cartel's wallet.
oh and of course...
fukk him too
Ben Davison, IFL, Coppinger, Behind the Gloves, Seconds Out... All can

for being a part of this/dance to this