Wider didn't say no to the third fight but didn't say yes either. I guess that's just a more subtle way to turn it down.
Who knows what if there wouldn't be this pandemic. Maybe then Wilder would have taken the third fight cause the memory of the loss was still fresh in him. He might have cooled down and reevaluated things during the lockdown, figured out he needs more than a few months to improve as much as he needs to. I think we will see him in a title fight once or twice more, probably gonna fight the winner of AJ vs Fury if he doesn't completely falls apart and loses to other HWs until then.

Why do yall insist on placing blame on Wilder when it's obvious who is the one trying to get out of the fight?? Fury and his team did the same bullshyt after the first fight and nikkas still tried to make it seem like Wilder side was somehow at fault