Canelo won this fight. I just had a chance to watch it. He is not a class above Trout. They are pretty close as fighters. Both are good, but neither has greatness written over them.
Trout is an excellent boxer, but he doesnt have the accuracy or power on his punches. He wastes punches and throws meaningless shots just to appear busy. Had he sat down on his punches and actually tried to LAND instead of just THROW...he couldve won this fight easily.
Canelo is a decent boxer, maybe better than given credit for. He is not a monster puncher but he commits to his shots, something that Trout doesnt do. Canelo was gassed, when he started doing that showboating, he was tired. He has too many gaps of inactivity to beat someone like FMJ. He is a good fighter, but not complete and not a monster....more like a scary movie that you heard about. You go in expecting to be scared out of your boots and come away feeling like...that wasnt that scary at all.
Decent fight between two decent fighters. Canelo would beat Cotto.
Floyd looking at Canelo like....
You lost me.