The Official “Blowed Up” (My web series) Thread - [EPISODE 5 OUT NOW!] WATCH/SUPPORT!

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
What's the biggest misconception people have about the industry in LA?

Also, in regards to your web series, do you prefer to script out entire episodes or rely on outlines with basic plot points and rely on improvisation and ad-libbing?

I think there are two big misconceptions people have:

1) "It's not what you know, it's WHO you know."
2) It's so hard to break into or do, so you may as well not even try

While #1 has some truth to it, there are a bunch of motherfukkers out here who don't want to work. Even if you luck up into crazy opportunities, there isn't anything that a person can do for you if you don't have a solid grind. As opposed to trying to get "discovered" or try to find that one mentor who will take me where I need to be, I just focus on trying to make dope shyt, because that one thing could make me a millionaire, or it could just put me one or two steps forward into another opportunity, or it could fukking suck, but I got valuable learning and experience from it.

But I go to so many networking functions and talk to people who have SO many ideas, but aren't actually writing. Everybody has ideas, but the people who treat it like a job that just happens to be high profile, as opposed to getting caught in the glitz and glamor are the ones who win. That kinda ties into #2...

Are the odds slim breaking into Hollywood? Absolutely. But it's not really like people would think because most people don't work or put themselves out there. Even as far as standup, open mics are brutal and long, but doing them all the time separates a comic from someone who just has a notepad and never puts themselves out there. And a lot of comics just hang out, smoke and chill, trying to make each other laugh as opposed to actually trying to legit propel themselves forward with goals.

Talent is important, sure, but one of my favorite comics, Bill Burr, said that it's not really what it's about. It's about a strong desire to actually do it and to never give up, as corny as that sounds. Because even if I post my shyt and everyone hates it, I can still find an audience that likes it and capitalize off of that. But if I give up, as opposed to figuring out how to do my thing, I'm just taking myself out the game.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Shout out to you. I do reviews for indie black media, maybe I'll review it.

Good looking out homie. Stay tuned and I'll let you know when we figure out when we're going to put it out.

subs and props to you breh

Thanks, my friend.

Will there be Mollywatr?


If @The Nigerian wants to hook it up we'll def give it a product placement :shaq:

:salute: breh, wish you success, I'll sub and this should be stickied

My breh :blessed:

Good looking out. For real.

How did you go about entering those writing contests?
Do you have an agent?
How much do you pay for equipment?(If at all)
Do you pay the actors?
What's your thought process when you're crafting a story?

This is an inspiring story and I wish you nothing but success.

The major networks have diversity programs every year that anyone can apply to as long as they meet the deadline and follow the instructions. The big ones are with Nickelodeon, WB, NBC, CBS and Disney/ABC. They're intended for "diverse" candidates, ie minorities, women, Jews, Muslims, gays, etc. But it kinda sorta feels like they don't have a set criteria for what makes you diverse, because a lot of white dudes get in.

Nope, no agent. I'm hoping that this show helps me get one, because a lot of movers and shakers these days want to see a creation and not just a script.

I have zero equipment, but my homie Terrence happens to know a guy with a crew, crazy equipment and hunger to make dope shyt, so he's not charging us to do this. We're really blessed and fortunate for that and if anything happens with this, we're definitely going to look out for him.

The actors aren't getting paid. It's us, some girls we know and comic friends will be playing guest roles. None of us are real actors, so that's probably the biggest challenge we have in front of us. I've taken classes and all that, but writing and standup are my main things.

As far as this series goes, we built the big circumstance first. We kicked around making us both single, making us both coupled up, having us live in different cribs and a bunch of other ideas. We thought me being the third wheel to his relationship was the most doable with our limited resources and had the most potential for drama and comedy.

Once we figured out the main idea, we came up with what we want to have happen at the beginning and end and how we would build to that arc. We came up with episode ideas that we either thought were funny or that would build those character arcs. Then we honed in on the scripts themselves.

This is the first time I've ever had to map out and write an entire series and season, but my process is similar with all scripts I write. There's a hook that I find unique or funny, then I figure out how to make the characters do what I want to flesh it out.

Thank you homie. I'm willing to take a huge W or L on this thing, so I appreciate the love y'all are showing.

How would you describe your artistic sensibilities, cinematography wise?

What was the scouting process for actors/actresses like?

It's hard to say from a cinematography perspective because this is the first time I've ever really shot something. We're really deferring to our director on this one. But as far as being a fan of cinematography, I've always liked Tarantino's shyt and love how shows like The Knick and Boardwalk Empire are shot. I also love Louie. So considering those shows, I'd probably say I gravitate to the dark and gritty, with plenty of heart.

Man, the scouting process was kinda scary easy. Terrence knew who he wanted to play his girlfriend and she reads really natural and has chipped in a bunch of ideas. The girl Jodi was a random audition but she knocked it out of the park with her personality. It was like her personality already fit the character.

Good luck hope all goes well

Thanks breh

Can I get an executive producer credit and some residual income if it takes off?

If you send some strippers or bottles to the set we'll consider it :shaq:

Good Luck

I'll Watch And Support

It Would Be Dope If You Snuck In Random Coli References/Inside Jokes Like Mollywatr

You Said You Live In LA And Its Shooting In BK So Will You Not Be Present For The Filming?

Also When Do You Think It Will Be Available For Us To Watch?

Congrats breh

Nah, I'll definitely be there for filming. Me and Terrence are playing ourselves. My family is from VA so I'm here right now. So in a couple of weeks I'll travel up the coast to NYC to film some episodes, before flying back to LA for a bit.

It'll depend on a lot of factors, but off the top of my head I see the episodes beginning to air in February.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
props brah

Thanks homie

i highly recommend you start breh
his child-like creativity could be an inspiration for ur work
he makes music so effortless and he does what comes natural to him he was born with a unique perspective
on music and did not let the industry ruin him.

I've heard his stuff here and there but never paid attention for whatever reason. I'll give homie more of a listen.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
How can I get my shyt out there? I feel like just going out to a network studio and harassing peeps. :mjlol:

Did you copyright/trademark your show? If so, can you give me steps on what you did?

This goes along with the first question, is it hard to get your script/show out?

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Hire me? I'd like to get into the entertainment industry :feedme::feedme:

Lol, I'm trying to get in too. I'm not at the point of hiring people, but if you're in NYC maybe we could use a free hand or two.

How can I get my shyt out there? I feel like just going out to a network studio and harassing peeps. :mjlol:

Did you copyright/trademark your show? If so, can you give me steps on what you did?

This goes along with the first question, is it hard to get your script/show out?

Breh the main thing I'd say is just create something, anything. Whether it's Instagram videos, a vlog, a web series, a short, a movie, a cartoon or a blog, you gotta be creating. The gatekeepers don't have control over us anymore cuz we all have the internet. And it's better to have some content to show execs.

Typically, you want to register your scripts with the Writers Guild (WGA). You can do that by going on their site and paying a few bucks.

With the third question, I guess we'll find out. It's still pretty surreal that we're doing this. Every step of the way I'm kinda waiting for some catastrophe that makes us not able to do this anymore, but it hasn't happened yet. So the hardest thing is the resistance that you feel inside, which is the strongest as soon as you're on the cusp of an accomplishment. Stuff has been lining up scary smooth right now, so I'm just trying to keep my head down and do my work so that I can deal with setbacks as they come.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Lol, I'm trying to get in too. I'm not at the point of hiring people, but if you're in NYC maybe we could use a free hand or two.

Breh the main thing I'd say is just create something, anything. Whether it's Instagram videos, a vlog, a web series, a short, a movie, a cartoon or a blog, you gotta be creating. The gatekeepers don't have control over us anymore cuz we all have the internet. And it's better to have some content to show execs.

Typically, you want to register your scripts with the Writers Guild (WGA). You can do that by going on their site and paying a few bucks.

With the third question, I guess we'll find out. It's still pretty surreal that we're doing this. Every step of the way I'm kinda waiting for some catastrophe that makes us not able to do this anymore, but it hasn't happened yet. So the hardest thing is the resistance that you feel inside, which is the strongest as soon as you're on the cusp of an accomplishment. Stuff has been lining up scary smooth right now, so I'm just trying to keep my head down and do my work so that I can deal with setbacks as they come.

I just want to write. Maybe do stand-up in the future, but right now writing is my main focus. I already finished my script and 95% done with the touch ups. I have already started my bible.

So as a writer, how can I get my name and stuff out there to the powers-that-be?

Also, if you have a show outlined, do you go thru the WGA to get that certified so others can't steal your idea? I'd think trademarking would do that? I'm not sure since I'm not familiar with the legal shyt yet.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Whats ya total budget?

No set budget. Everyone is pretty much piecing together and doing it for the love. I'll make sure everyone is good on food and all that.

I just want to write. Maybe do stand-up in the future, but right now writing is my main focus. I already finished my script and 95% done with the touch ups. I have already started my bible.

So as a writer, how can I get my name and stuff out there to the powers-that-be?

Also, if you have a show outlined, do you go thru the WGA to get that certified so others can't steal your idea? I'd think trademarking would do that? I'm not sure since I'm not familiar with the legal shyt yet.

I'd still say create whatever you can create, because people want to see more than just a script these days. I was ready to shoot this on my cell phone if my homie's friend didn't volunteer his time and equipment.

But if you want to write for TV, you want to have a portfolio of at least one great spec script of an existing show, a badass pilot and another script that's different from both of those. That should be first priority before knocking on doors, and that might take writing 10 shytty scripts before getting to one gem. The last thing you want is to score a meeting with someone that matters and the work isn't up to par.

Or even worse, they may fukk with it and want to read something else, and you'd be caught kinda naked if you say it's the only script that you have. That would make them hesitate to invest money in someone who may or may not be writing without having someone telling them to.

Once you've done all that I'd say definitely apply to every reputable writing competition or fellowship. You definitely want to move to LA if you aren't here already. You can't go into Krispy Kreme Donuts without hearing someone talk about a project they're working on, so networking is easy. And you'd be surprised how open people are to sitting down with you for a meeting if you're just like hey, I like what you do and am pursuing my dream -- could I buy you a cup of coffee and pick your brain for 15 minutes?

Even talking to showrunners on Twitter and Periscope has been helpful to me. They don't get the glory that actors get, so you'll almost always get a response or a favorite if you hit them with something with substance.

So getting your work tight is first and foremost. Other than that, be on the scene, network every chance you get, apply to programs, join writer's groups to get feedback, wash rinse and repeat.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
:salute: great job breh.

I can't wait to support you unconditionally and talk about you to my friends until you get popular then I relentlessly criticize you and talk about how much better the old you was :salute: