This show is by no means terrible. But it's missing something. It needs more compelling supporting characters and story lines. I really don't like Saul's brother Chuck or his story. I'm glad to hear Mike is going to be more infused into the show, because this show needs that desperately.
They need to find their "Jessie" to Saul type character to make the story lines more interesting/compelling that drive the plot. Or even a Hank type character. Saul was one of my favorite characters from Breaking bad, but right now I don't feel like I want to watch this incarnation of Saul lead a whole series on his shoulders.
I'm interested to see the direction of the show in the next few episodes. They need better subplots.
Since the 5th episode just aired I posted a review of the 5th episode of "Breaking Bad" from 2008.
The critic basically said the 5th episode was well made, well acted....but a waste of time that killed the momentum of the show.
That episode was "Gray Matter", which obviously turned out to have huge ramifications for the series, all the way to the finale.
I don't necessarily disagree with anything you're saying....but it's hard to say what the show is missing or what it needs 5 episodes into the first season. After season 1 is over I'll probably think about this type of stuff.