I ask myself this question everytime I visit the Film Room ...
This thread been stickied for a minute...I guess a mod is a Breaking Bad stan...only reason why this thread was stickied and that bullshyt Empire is stickied over ARROW
"Empire" is stickied because I'm a "BB" stan?
"Arrow" was stickied at one point....I don't unstick anything until the season is over. I assume one of the site owners unstickied it, because they don't want 5,000 things cluttering the top of the page. It is what it is.
My fandom aside, did you seriously expect the follow up to "Breaking Bad"
not to get a sticky?
David Simon is working on a new miniseries....that shyt is getting a sticky, and I haven't seen 1 second of footage. A few shows and projects will get a sticky off the strength of the talent behind it, because they've earned that.