Unpopular Opinions About Battle Rap
I don’t get the criticism for that though lol. If anything it’s a POSITIVE. Why the hell doesn’t EVERYONE have a “mixtape verse” to go to when they forget their bars?
And once again, if you wrote the bars, and no one else heard it, then what is the problem with Rex using mixtape verses as opposed to anybody just using random bars??
I’m not mad at it because the worst thing you could do is choke. I think people say that usually because it comes across not tailor made for the battle and sounding like it’s indirect. Me, I put choking and not finishing your round at the complete bottom of the totem pole when it comes down to it. Freestyle if you can and make it sound good…kick something you know…or whatnot. May not win you the round or battle but it’s better than choking and giving up.