I remember Ars from the Fight Klub days, didn't know Lux discovered him
Lux discovered half of the roster that started on Smack through lionz den.
I remember Ars from the Fight Klub days, didn't know Lux discovered him
Lux discovered half of the roster that started on Smack through lionz den.
Literally nobody wants this battle except DNA and his small circle of fans.
I've always felt like DNA and Mook made way more sense than DNA vs Lux.
Lux discovered half of the roster that started on Smack through lionz den.
Lionz Den was before Fight Klub?
Yo, wtf![]()
Bro…these dudes is getting MONEY money for these battles now…
Cal got $50K for both Hitman battle and Geechi
Geechi and Rum touched $75K a piece in that tourney
Surf went from bragging about $20K a battle to $40K in the JJDD battle.
Lux got something ridiculous for Surf. Surf hit a lick too. Don’t remember exact amounts.
Roc gets $30K a battle.
God knows what Mook has been paid the last few times.
…At this point unless you PG/Crucible…if you seeing anything less than $10K a battle, I don’t know what to say about you.
Time for me to start writing down some bars![]()
Let’s get you on that High Stakes card and see if you can work your way up. Who’s got P’s number? Lol.
As long as I don't have to go to Beasley's house![]()