Jay Blac interviewing Smack and Beasley now on the Caffeine app through Drake's and URL's pages. This shyt looks mad professional. Smack talking about his start.
Smack making a move to bring URL into everyone's home in 4K HD for free is a Power move. I know many of us have been ordering every PPV yet some of you who don't even buy the PPVs or subscribe to the app are complaining?
You guys complained about the App for months and the URL decides to run the PPVs for free in real time (like Showtime does with it's ShowBox events) and some of you are still complaining.
This is a major move for URL and battle rap in general. It's streaming at ESPN / TNT online speeds and quality. I feel like I'm watching Inside The NBA right now, this is truly a step forward for the culture. I know some people working with Caffeine and they have some of the brightest minds in the app world on the team and a lot of money behind them.
F.Y.I. to watch you can use the Caffeine app on your phone or tablet or you can stream it on the website from your PC (Upgrade from the URL App). you have your PC synced to your TVs (I have Samsungs not sure about other brands). I had it streaming to my living room TV downstairs while my laptop is two floors upstairs at my desk. in 4K with no lag
Now if you take a battle on RBE (looking at you Chef Trez and iLL Will) you're literally in the minor leagues. Salute to ARP
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