My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
that's still an embarrassing angle for chess, like he's vinnie johnson to zeke and joe dumars
I dont see it that way. If anything chess got a free deposit for nothing.
that's still an embarrassing angle for chess, like he's vinnie johnson to zeke and joe dumars
A lot of times I've argued with brehs on here about battlers (specifically Mook & Lux) asking for big paydays and how its likely bankrupting leagues and stunting battle rap's growth. And the response is always sh1t like "If leagues couldn't afford it, they wouldn't do it", "leagues are still making $$", etc.
Anyway, Organik posted this on TalkBack today, very candid and very interesting
I figured leagues were losing money but never realized it was that much
I wonder how many times URL has lost on events and how much $$.
I guess Mook and Lux finally lowered their asking price as well as we've been seeing them on more cards in the last year or so.
Easy to forget about battle rap as a business sometimes. One that that I doubt is particularly profitable
Math is really milking all his old beefs and ARP is cashing out on all of it
I see it the same way, even though I at least understand why Jones is insecure. That footage will live forever.
Watch ARP book Math vs Bonnie next!
"CLOSURE shyt!![]()
that's short term shyt bro. he was already liable to get barked on by two legends and arguable GOATs (and dont get me wrong, chess was/is gonna talk to them hardbody, but the messenger matters too, especially to casual fans that only really watch hollow, lux, mook)I dont see it that way. If anything chess got a free deposit for nothing.
To be honest that's something good from math. Do people really think that math wouldn't wash him on a one on one?they are clearly from different weight classesI wonder why math ain’t take the deal Jones wanted to get the fade before the battle? They need to. Only way to go into the battle.
If you really wanna fight someone you don’t have to “ask” them to shoot fair lolTo be honest that's something good from math. Do people really think that math wouldn't wash him on a one on one?they are clearly from different weight classes
Jones is hurt and desulisional but let's keep it real a one on one with math would only bring him another L
A lot of times I've argued with brehs on here about battlers (specifically Mook & Lux) asking for big paydays and how its likely bankrupting leagues and stunting battle rap's growth. And the response is always sh1t like "If leagues couldn't afford it, they wouldn't do it", "leagues are still making $$", etc.
Anyway, Organik posted this on TalkBack today, very candid and very interesting
I figured leagues were losing money but never realized it was that much
I wonder how many times URL has lost on events and how much $$.
I guess Mook and Lux finally lowered their asking price as well as we've been seeing them on more cards in the last year or so.
Easy to forget about battle rap as a business sometimes. One that that I doubt is particularly profitable