Unpopular Opinions About Battle Rap
How many of those guys are there though? The only one that comes to my mind immediately is Dizaster. Even Hollow and DNA, who are incredible freestylers, I can tell when they're freestyling as opposed to when they're writing.
Yeah, there's not many. I'd throw Charron, Thesaurus, Big Kannon, Charlie Clips, NoCanDo, and Illmaculate in there. I think Diz will go in and out with random bars then freestyle. Its like he has so many random bars he's never used that he can go from using those to others then he'll freestyle.
There's times where hollow freestyles that we'll never know. Random but I saw y'all talkin bout it. He's probably the only one who weaves his freestyles into his round so random and clean that we don't always know.
Well, Hollow is probably the best case scenario. He's so unorthodox but well kept together. Like its almost like he skips over his written shyt in certain rounds and has a thought or two he runs with and freestyles the fukk out of it. That's actually smart if you can't remember some written shyt you had possibly and want to play off in that moment. But that's if you have the skillset to do that.
Yeah. It's pretty much Dizaster and Nocando as far as that category goes, and Nocan has no interest in battling anymore.
Big Kannon was up there, but then he did that round vs JC where he freestyled the whole thing & it was weak.
NoCanDo, aside from battle rap, is a monster at freestyles period. His best shyt was going against Dizaster. But in general, not only did I share the stage with him after this, I saw him rock freestyles for a long ass time at Low End Theory in L.A. at the Airliner. It was for Flying Lotus dropping his "Los Angeles" album. And he was on stage doing the damn thing.
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