oO J Smooth Oo
All Star
Heartless needs to be back on the URL mainstage
He has the persona of unbias Chris on molly. Foh
Heartless needs to be back on the URL mainstage
He has the persona of unbias Chris on molly. Foh
Mook takin out loans just to get back on national tv
He was in two or three movies recently and hosts a bunch of shyt. I'm sure Mook has 100k+ saved up at this point.Mook got a 100k to put up up front?
Where he get that?
He was in two or three movies recently and hosts a bunch of shyt. I'm sure Mook has 100k+ saved up at this point.
Ya'll really hate this man and all he does is win
There's times where hollow freestyles that we'll never know. Random but I saw y'all talkin bout it. He's probably the only one who weaves his freestyles into his round so random and clean that we don't always know.
He has the persona of unbias Chris on molly. Foh
I don't hate Mook. Just seems like a large amount of disposable income.He was in two or three movies recently and hosts a bunch of shyt. I'm sure Mook has 100k+ saved up at this point.
Ya'll really hate this man and all he does is win
Even when he spits some on the spot shyt like what his opponent is wearing etc. It still comes off smooth like a writtenI disagree. Hollow has a lot of premeditated bars. This is a guy that flat out said he can't have a gf because he is too dedicated to battle rap. His biggest gift is his ability to switch his material around on demand. Most guys come with a set round 1, 2, & 3. They spit it in that exact same order. Hollow can switch his rounds around. For example, he can take material from round 3 & add it to round 1. He can switch material around during a battle which is amazing. Against Clips in the first round, he noticed the crowd wasn't fukking with some bars & immediately switched it up to "I ain't saying your shyt wack....(the kit kat bar)." Problem with this approach would be he forgets to use some bars he intended to use.
I don't know man. I don't think there is anyone who spits freestyles like they are writtens, even if they can freestyle at a high level.
Prep is actually someone not mentioned who can freestyle at a high level. Shyt sounds better than his writtens.
Even when he spits some on the spot shyt like what his opponent is wearing etc. It still comes off smooth like a written
And lowkey when Lux slid that lil freestyle in against clips mid roundflames