I dig it, respect. I find my opinions usually align way more with the battle rappers than the fans…I think a lot of times fans can have favorites (and battlers they hate, lol) and that sways their opinions a lot. Not saying the battlers don’t, but they’re a little more objective.
I think Lux outraps pretty much all of his opponents…but a hard truth about battle rap is that it’s not about rapping skills necessarily, it’s about battling skills, you have to win the battle. I’m sure Chilla “rapped” better than Rex, but seemingly everyone is saying Rex clearly won the battle. Lux raps wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than Geechi Gotti, but he got smoked. If we’re just judging the rapping then I’m with you, Lux better than everybody in battle rap imo
Funny shhit is, at least to me, I thought Nitty outrapped him…I may be in the minority but I’ve watched that jawn like 5 times. Nitty rapped better imo but Lux outbattled the shhit out of him and won that battle. What’s scary about that is it means Lux is adapting and getting smarter…maybe even better, at battling. That’s crazy, lol.