Nah, Lux drops those freestyles and people study them for months and go crazy. He just needs to save it for the freestyles and tone it down a bit in battles.Been saying Serius is one of them special ones for years…everybody hates him tho so they front,. He smoked that and he is making his shhit a little less layered at the same time…like people been saying he should, 🫡. Hopefully Lux follows the lead…nobody really tryna hear all that extra mumbo jumbo
…play with the words but not so much you losing people in it, pause, just sounds drawn out and blah after while.
4/5 female battles and the URL card is eclipsed instantly

Him or Math. shyt is crazy.Serius Jones is the most disrespected legend in battle rap history.
JC is sleeping in HIS bed, in HIS house. Bottom bunk or top bunk, Surf is a loser for the next 5 years.