Just got back.
This film needed to be an absolute all time great film to be given a fair chance. It wasn't that. It's had a hive,mob mentality against it since day 1. People hated Zach, they hated Ben, they hated Jesse, they hated gal. Everything about it caused an uproar and people have been foaming at the mouth to hate it. People can deny it all they want, but marvels fan base has become more and more acidic,they're the new Apple sheep. Just look at the downright glee fakkits like
@Ethnic Vagina Finder have at bad reviews.
The film is good,but it isn't great. It takes risks. It doesn't pander. It wants to be what it is and it doesn't care what you like. The biggest critiques I've seen of the film are that this film isn't what they wanted it to be. The characters are so iconic that people have expectations of what they should be. Nobody knows who ant man or Starlord are so marvel doesn't have the same vitriol and stiff expectations.
That said, the first hour is a bit shaky. There are so many moving parts and the pace is so fast that if you don't already know these characters it might be too much. The last hour and a half are almost flawless though.
Lex,like the film, is hate or love it. I think they could have toned him down a bit and it would have been more effective. That said, I do not hate him. He had just enough menace and brilliance that it made up for his quirkiness.
Wonder Woman stole the film in her little appearance.
Superman was just the same as man of steel superman. I like this portrayal,some don't.
Ben Affleck was incredible as batman. His fights were visceral and put Nolan to shame. I need a Ben batman film immediately.
I was impressed they had the balls to allude to certain JL story lines this soon.
I pray they aren't shaken by the reviews and mob mentality against the film and follow through on their vision.
End of the day, if you wanted to hate this film,you'll hate it. If you wanted to love it,you will. It's not bad enough or good enough to shake people from their pre-conceived notions.