The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread

May 3, 2012
St louis
I'm right there with you on that.

They could give a fukk about making an "Epic" film.

You put Batman and Superman together, it's guaranteed to sell.

They could've put this shyt out 3 months after they announced it, and it still would've hit a Billy at the box office.

These movie companies got it figured out now.They're just trying to cash out before comic fatigue sets in.

I wouldn't be surprised if these so called rival companies came together to give us a DC vs Marvel movie....just to really fukk us.Drop a couple of hype inducing trailers, 2 billies easy

How do you fukk up a movie with superman/batman/wonderwoman
in the mutha fukka man??
It was just add fukkin water...


#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
6 out of 10 for me. Entertaining, emotional and wasn't boring but it was too long, some pointless scenes too much capt saving a hoe. I was glad when some bytch ass nikkas died. I hope they don't return in another movie ever.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Hey guys..... I had a nightmare about a future where TheColi no longer existed..... Allhiphop came back strong, destroy us, Reditt, HiphopDX and any other blogs of this type. Most of yall were gone and @gluvnast lead the AHH resistance and turned on us.:damn:

But then I strangely woke up in my bed..... I reached for my glass of water then @Yo Yo Ma from the future appeared to me..... he was trynna warn me about something..... he said that (ironically) @The Fukin Prophecy was the key!:patrice:

I dont get it..... but I think we may need to band together and go deal with this AHH attack before its too late:francis:

I promise this was all true please believe me!:mjcry:


Jun 2, 2012
mods please lock this thread until I can write my review tomorrow

No substance is being posted and really everyone is waiting for my review, I will end all debate


Jun 6, 2012
New York
there is no bait, you asked how their motivations was explained in the movie, i answered....whatever you think of the movie is what you think, and that's cool....

as for your new questions:

you really letting me know you didn't watch the movie...again, all that is answered in the movie...

superman didn't decide he was jesus, that's the image the world was projecting on him, a savior figure like jesus...the voice overs taking about him while he was saving people, the way people reacted to him when saving people, etc. all showed this

yes, it was because at that moment, the trauma of his parents death was triggered and it made him realize superman was more than just an alien, which he had viewed him as the whole time...@TheGodling broke that scene down in the spoiler thread for a lot of yall cats with questions about it...he doesn't even like the movie, but even he recognizes the power of the scene....

he was blinded by his rage/hate for superman, he didn't care...all he cared about was killing superman at that moment...hence the reason he said 'I gave the bat a chance, but if man wont kill god, the devil will do it...I give you your devil, your now, god is good, good as dead'....

yes, that's a well known flash power...he has access to the speed force cause of how fast he can run/move his body....I don't know, I don't think that time was presented in this movie; superman was still alive and doing good...the dream showed him after something had happened, which is probably the time the flash was talking about......that flash was from a different time/universe, so yea, i'm sure he knows bruce is batman...they all know each other's secret identities after awhile

anymore questions?...nope, never mind...don't ask...i'm done...this isn't just for you, this is for this and the other thread....I just wanted to talk about the movie, don't care whether or not people liked it cause the only person they can determine that for is themselves.....but at this point, I swear some of yall cats just talking to be talking and didn't really watch the movie...cause a lot of the shyt yall asking/saying is explained in the movie....but you know, I don't hold that against I said earlier: most people are gonna go into this movie expecting to see a lot of physical battling between the 2 cause of the VS in the title, yet that's never been the history of their VS...their main battle has always been between their philosophies (what it means to be a hero, def of justice, right/wrong, etc.), and this movie does a hell of a job presenting that battle....that's why I also said if you liked the movie, you should see it again cause then you'll be able to catch a lot of the lil details that zack & co put in the movie and them presenting it, cause you not gonna be there viewing in spectacle mode .....

...anyway, like I said, i'm done....I enjoyed it, and will see it again...some of yall enjoyed it, some of yall didn't..whatever side you fall on, that's cool...yall have a good one...i'll catch yall in the CW thread after that drops...

Oh your done?! No one asked you to explain shyt in the first place tho. lol
And really that is not well known about the Flash. Ask around to some non-comicbook people, all the general public knows about him is he runs really fast.