Don't see this movie. Don't make the same mistake I made
. I did that so you wouldn't have to go through that
My review:
I can't recall seeing a more random, poorly edited, fragmented mess of a movie. There's no cohesion or any semblance of flow. Do I need to see Lois checking her mailbox or arguing with Perry about flight accommodations? You're left to dig out a story through the wreckage. After the first trailer I thought this movie would have the heroes in an ideological struggle. That didn't happen at all. There's no theme or story to be found. I can't imagine what the editors went through. It's like they got a puzzle box, opened it up, started working on building the image but most of the pieces don't fit.
This is a sequel to MOS meaning it's a Superman movie yet Superman/Clark has like 7 lines of dialog through the first 60 minutes. Bruce, Lois, Lex, Perry, and even Alfred had more lines and screen time. There's a few scenes where Superman is there but doesn't say a word
Lex was crap, miscast and misplayed.
The Galdot hype is overblown. She's on screen for about 5 minutes and is only cool when she shows up as WW. She didn't do enough for anybody to go crazy over much less believe she can carry her own movie. Calm that shyt down.
Doomsday looking. Even from the trailers I knew it was a mistake. His inclusion in the film was completely unnecessary and the fight brought no excitement save for WW who didn't get to do much with all the explosions and bad CGI mucking up the view.
The way they introduced the other Justice League members was laughable. It was cool to actually see the characters but the way it was incorporated into the movie felt random as hell. There was no set up or finesse. They just tossed it in. It felt like product placement instead of an organic part of the story.
Then they spent a chunk of the movie focusing on the villain to come for the JL movie. How about focusing on this BvS thing first? Their rush to get JL going completely doomed this movie and put Superman in a far worse place then they left him in MOS. You're supposed to promote Supes but got Batman in the room sucking up all the oxygen. I felt bad for Cavill. He had to be watching this at the premier like, "Why is everybody getting more shine in my movie than me"
This was a complete failure. You'd literally have to throw the fundamentals of film making into the bushes to enjoy this. Things like editing, pace, and story telling...who needs that when you have 5 minutes of Gal Galdot in a 153 minute movie? All these coli brehs saying 7-8.5 had me thinking this would be decent. The fukk were yall watching
? Who the hell clapped in your theater? Some of you seen this more than once
. I'm done. Here's my score:
Breh tallied up the score with garbage cans