The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread

May 11, 2012
Don't see this movie :damn:. Don't make the same mistake I made:damn:. I did that so you wouldn't have to go through that:damn:

My review:

I can't recall seeing a more random, poorly edited, fragmented mess of a movie. There's no cohesion or any semblance of flow. Do I need to see Lois checking her mailbox or arguing with Perry about flight accommodations? You're left to dig out a story through the wreckage. After the first trailer I thought this movie would have the heroes in an ideological struggle. That didn't happen at all. There's no theme or story to be found. I can't imagine what the editors went through. It's like they got a puzzle box, opened it up, started working on building the image but most of the pieces don't fit.

This is a sequel to MOS meaning it's a Superman movie yet Superman/Clark has like 7 lines of dialog through the first 60 minutes. Bruce, Lois, Lex, Perry, and even Alfred had more lines and screen time. There's a few scenes where Superman is there but doesn't say a word:mindblown:

Lex was crap, miscast and misplayed.

The Galdot hype is overblown. She's on screen for about 5 minutes and is only cool when she shows up as WW. She didn't do enough for anybody to go crazy over much less believe she can carry her own movie. Calm that shyt down.

Doomsday looking :flabbynsick:. Even from the trailers I knew it was a mistake. His inclusion in the film was completely unnecessary and the fight brought no excitement save for WW who didn't get to do much with all the explosions and bad CGI mucking up the view.

The way they introduced the other Justice League members was laughable. It was cool to actually see the characters but the way it was incorporated into the movie felt random as hell. There was no set up or finesse. They just tossed it in. It felt like product placement instead of an organic part of the story.

Then they spent a chunk of the movie focusing on the villain to come for the JL movie. How about focusing on this BvS thing first? Their rush to get JL going completely doomed this movie and put Superman in a far worse place then they left him in MOS. You're supposed to promote Supes but got Batman in the room sucking up all the oxygen. I felt bad for Cavill. He had to be watching this at the premier like, "Why is everybody getting more shine in my movie than me:mjcry:"

This was a complete failure. You'd literally have to throw the fundamentals of film making into the bushes to enjoy this. Things like editing, pace, and story telling...who needs that when you have 5 minutes of Gal Galdot in a 153 minute movie :blessed:? All these coli brehs saying 7-8.5 had me thinking this would be decent. The fukk were yall watching:martin:? Who the hell clapped in your theater? Some of you seen this more than once:mjlol:. I'm done. Here's my score:


Breh tallied up the score with garbage cans:mjlol:


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY

But GOTG was intentionally zany.

That scene, although a lil bizarre, fit the whole vibe of that film.It's basically a bunch of clowns saving the universe
Aint none of these so called "comic heads" familiar with that book:stopitslime:
Cant wait til Warlock comes into the picture :banderas:


Apr 20, 2015
Your wrong...... its not about being spoon fed..... but its about just organic smooth transition

The movie just felt like a series of Vine video

And really..... how many times do they need to show or have Bruce at his parents graveyard in that high ass grass?:mjlol:

He's in the BATCAVE:gladbron: He's at his parents tomb:francis: He's in the BATCAVE!!!!:banderas: he's at his parents tomb:stopitslime: He's in the BATCAVE:blessed:he's at his parents tomb:dwillhuh: Again nicca??? fukking again?:martin::martin:

Lets keep it 100!

now that we all seen this movie..... very few of us will watch it in its entirety ever again.

When the blu ray drops..... most are gonna just skip to the action scenes.... Perry White said it best himself "No one cares about Clark Kent vs the Bat":mjlol:

That self ether in the movie stands true:russ:



Jun 2, 2012
and thats the supes these assclowns wanna see instead of cavills' supes

sh*t'll disgustya

yeah after like 15 minutes of superman 3 I had to turn, i knew it was corny but not having to seen it in a few years it was beyond garbage, I thought about recording part 4 and watching later but no thanks


All Star
Jan 30, 2013
Don't see this movie :damn:. Don't make the same mistake I made:damn:. I did that so you wouldn't have to go through that:damn:

My review:

I can't recall seeing a more random, poorly edited, fragmented mess of a movie. There's no cohesion or any semblance of flow. Do I need to see Lois checking her mailbox or arguing with Perry about flight accommodations? You're left to dig out a story through the wreckage. After the first trailer I thought this movie would have the heroes in an ideological struggle. That didn't happen at all. There's no theme or story to be found. I can't imagine what the editors went through. It's like they got a puzzle box, opened it up, started working on building the image but most of the pieces don't fit.

This is a sequel to MOS meaning it's a Superman movie yet Superman/Clark has like 7 lines of dialog through the first 60 minutes. Bruce, Lois, Lex, Perry, and even Alfred had more lines and screen time. There's a few scenes where Superman is there but doesn't say a word:mindblown:

Lex was crap, miscast and misplayed.

The Galdot hype is overblown. She's on screen for about 5 minutes and is only cool when she shows up as WW. She didn't do enough for anybody to go crazy over much less believe she can carry her own movie. Calm that shyt down.

Doomsday looking :flabbynsick:. Even from the trailers I knew it was a mistake. His inclusion in the film was completely unnecessary and the fight brought no excitement save for WW who didn't get to do much with all the explosions and bad CGI mucking up the view.

The way they introduced the other Justice League members was laughable. It was cool to actually see the characters but the way it was incorporated into the movie felt random as hell. There was no set up or finesse. They just tossed it in. It felt like product placement instead of an organic part of the story.

Then they spent a chunk of the movie focusing on the villain to come for the JL movie. How about focusing on this BvS thing first? Their rush to get JL going completely doomed this movie and put Superman in a far worse place then they left him in MOS. You're supposed to promote Supes but got Batman in the room sucking up all the oxygen. I felt bad for Cavill. He had to be watching this at the premier like, "Why is everybody getting more shine in my movie than me:mjcry:"

This was a complete failure. You'd literally have to throw the fundamentals of film making into the bushes to enjoy this. Things like editing, pace, and story telling...who needs that when you have 5 minutes of Gal Galdot in a 153 minute movie :blessed:? All these coli brehs saying 7-8.5 had me thinking this would be decent. The fukk were yall watching:martin:? Who the hell clapped in your theater? Some of you seen this more than once:mjlol:. I'm done. Here's my score:

My theater clapped for Wonder Woman. It was pretty silent for everything else.

I understand set up but the first half of the film was boring. This movie didn't need to be two hours. You could have sharved off 45 minutes easily.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
$81M on Friday and that's without all the poor kids who couldn't go because of the tone :troll:

who said a movie with batman and superman in the title wasnt going to make money :pachaha: the debate was the quality of it, after all the hype and build it failed to live up to expectations. what will be telling will be the second week numbers and how far of a drop it will take especially after word of mouth

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

Nicca.... you will never watch Perry talk to Kent, Kent talk to his mom, Kent talk to his father, Diana on a plane, Bruce past, Bruce in the Tombs, Senator talking the the African, etc scenes EVER again. When you get the DVD..... you gonna just watch the last 20 mins of the film while you drink a bud light or corona, smoke a joint, and eat cheese doodles......... then you gonna play some COD:MW5 :mjlol:

yeah after like 15 minutes of superman 3 I had to turn, i knew it was corny but not having to seen it in a few years it was beyond garbage, I thought about recording part 4 and watching later but no thanks

You're 20 something:rudy:.... born sometime in the 90's:shaq2:...... YOU DONT GET TO JUDGE THE OG SUPERMAN:ufdup:

Kid you dont even know Bruce Willis used to be a blue singer before his acting career took off!:russ:


Jun 10, 2012
Your wrong...... its not about being spoon fed..... but its about just organic smooth transition

The movie just felt like a series of Vine video

Perfect analogy :wow:

$424 million global take :blessed:

:mjlol: If they make a billion off this shyt...

Michael Shannon Gives Hilariously Perfect Answer To Who Should Win Between 'Batman' And 'Superman'

I’m so utterly unconcerned with the outcome of that fight. So profoundly, utterly unconcerned. I can’t even come up with a fake answer. I guess I have to root for Superman because he killed me, so I would hope that he would continue his killing spree and become like a serial killer Superman. That’s a new take on Superman. We’d all be in a heap of trouble if Superman was a serial killer. He could just wipe us all out. But then he’d be lonely. - Michael Shannon

May 11, 2012
Your wrong...... its not about being spoon fed..... but its about just organic smooth transition

The movie just felt like a series of Vine video

And really..... how many times do they need to show or have Bruce at his parents graveyard in that high ass grass?:mjlol:

He's in the BATCAVE:gladbron: He's at his parents tomb:francis: He's in the BATCAVE!!!!:banderas: he's at his parents tomb:stopitslime: He's in the BATCAVE:blessed:he's at his parents tomb:dwillhuh: Again nicca??? fukking again?:martin::martin:

Lets keep it 100!

now that we all seen this movie..... very few of us will watch it in its entirety ever again.

When the blu ray drops..... most are gonna just skip to the action scenes.... Perry White said it best himself "No one cares about Clark Kent vs the Bat":mjlol:

That self ether in the movie stands true:russ:

:deadmanny::deadmanny:...It did seem that way, tho


Jul 16, 2013
OK I'll take the bait.

So I guess Supes decided he was Jesus for no reason. He didn't have to die, just decided to . lol
His motivation was stopped by one word "Martha"? "Hey dude, no way! That's my Mom's first name to! Let's be buds."
What was his plan say after Doomsday killed all the heroes like he wanted? Die with the rest of humanity?
Oh a wormhole, does Anyone besides readers of comics know he can do that? Why doesn't he try to comeback at the right time so what he says makes sense to Batman? He knows Bruce Wayne is Batman already to?

there is no bait, you asked how their motivations was explained in the movie, i answered....whatever you think of the movie is what you think, and that's cool....

as for your new questions:

you really letting me know you didn't watch the movie...again, all that is answered in the movie...

superman didn't decide he was jesus, that's the image the world was projecting on him, a savior figure like jesus...the voice overs taking about him while he was saving people, the way people reacted to him when saving people, etc. all showed this

yes, it was because at that moment, the trauma of his parents death was triggered and it made him realize superman was more than just an alien, which he had viewed him as the whole time...@TheGodling broke that scene down in the spoiler thread for a lot of yall cats with questions about it...he doesn't even like the movie, but even he recognizes the power of the scene....

he was blinded by his rage/hate for superman, he didn't care...all he cared about was killing superman at that moment...hence the reason he said 'I gave the bat a chance, but if man wont kill god, the devil will do it...I give you your devil, your now, god is good, good as dead'....

yes, that's a well known flash power...he has access to the speed force cause of how fast he can run/move his body....I don't know, I don't think that time was presented in this movie; superman was still alive and doing good...the dream showed him after something had happened, which is probably the time the flash was talking about......that flash was from a different time/universe, so yea, i'm sure he knows bruce is batman...they all know each other's secret identities after awhile

anymore questions?...nope, never mind...don't ask...i'm done...this isn't just for you, this is for this and the other thread....I just wanted to talk about the movie, don't care whether or not people liked it cause the only person they can determine that for is themselves.....but at this point, I swear some of yall cats just talking to be talking and didn't really watch the movie...cause a lot of the shyt yall asking/saying is explained in the movie....but you know, I don't hold that against I said earlier: most people are gonna go into this movie expecting to see a lot of physical battling between the 2 cause of the VS in the title, yet that's never been the history of their VS...their main battle has always been between their philosophies (what it means to be a hero, def of justice, right/wrong, etc.), and this movie does a hell of a job presenting that battle....that's why I also said if you liked the movie, you should see it again cause then you'll be able to catch a lot of the lil details that zack & co put in the movie and them presenting it, cause you not gonna be there viewing in spectacle mode .....

...anyway, like I said, i'm done....I enjoyed it, and will see it again...some of yall enjoyed it, some of yall didn't..whatever side you fall on, that's cool...yall have a good one...i'll catch yall in the CW thread after that drops...
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