The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I cant front @lutha I love seeing you ..... per say.... fight in here and personally I love kinda being your antagonist in this...... we are gonna have so much fun together in the coming battles


GOD forbid SS flop or unexpectedly do worser than predicted:mjlol:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
only wanna comment on the bolded part:

this movie was far from 1. rushed and 2. thrown together....

1. so far, the DCMU is following the comics, just like marvel followed their comics to set up their movie universe, and that's all we can ask for as fans....

2. there are so many small details he put into this movie for the characters, it shows zack and co did their homework...details that you catch if you just watch the movie for what it is and not what you want it to be...

...i'm not saying that to get people to like it...people only watch movies for them, so whether they like it or not is cool....but I will correct people when they make shyt up....

That's the whole point. I watch movies for what they are. They build up characters like for example Bane and Zod only to be defeated not because the hero earned the win but because the writers shoehorned it.

It's like a team winning on a technicality. I can't buy into that. And it's consistent in every DC flick. At some point it becomes a trend and I have to take a stand. I'm sure the visuals and fight sequences are dope but I'm not a little kid.

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
I always dislike this criticism... no offense to you, but I do not like a ONE-DIMENSIONAL Superman. It is mainly why I never been such a Superman fan because of that. I love this angle that they took showing OTHER PEOPLES views on Superman and using a real-life hypothetical question as to how we as a society or how the world would react if JESUS actually was among us right now? So, most of how Superman is viewed is seen by other people's perspectives. The times when it is in his perspective, it is just like Jesus if you know or read the New Testament. Jesus himself had doubts, he was didn't want to carry the burden of humanity on his shoulders. He had haters and conspirators against him. I fukks with that parallel, because in the end the entire world recognizes each one of them has Superman within them.

I think Superman is the most misunderstood character in this.... mainly because we're so distracted by the badassness of Batman and how Wonder Women can through in the 4th quarter that we just ignore or not recognize that this is a theologian allegory of the Passion of Christ to where Luthor is Lucifer, Doomsday serving as the Antichrist, and Batman is the atheist. And the sake of humanity is in limbo as to how to react to God in man's image. So, these conflicts put weight on someone like Superman... I would of HATE IT if he did not have these concerns and come off as (no pun intended) alien to how the world sees him. Everything action and choice he makes comes with a consequence and now he's feeling that.

my fav convo ever with my gf was about why she like superman over batman

"superman wants to help people and make the world better and batman just wants to punish the gulitiy"

i like that movie and man of steel strive for something a little higher but at some point

the audience is clamoring for a little bit of lightness... that next superman solo film should be a little more happy doesn't have to be a chris reeves style film but a little bit of hopefulness will go a long way

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
there a couple things that a bit weak in the logic department

lex even making dooms day ... the guy hates superman cause he views him as a false god and that god can never be pure.. but he creates a god in doomday :stopitslime:

2 superman and the african war lord ... did he die ... did he not die :ohhh:\

3 why did the government leave a alien ship in the heart of the city :francis:


Jul 16, 2013
I cant front @lutha I love seeing you ..... per say.... fight in here and personally I love kinda being your antagonist in this...... we are gonna have so much fun together in the coming battles


GOD forbid SS flop or unexpectedly do worser than predicted:mjlol:

lol...i'm not fighting for any side (dc, marvel)....just how I saw this first day, i'm see CW, SS, and doc strange first day...just like I've seen past dc and marvel movies first day....also, i'm not trying to convince anyone to change their mind about whether or not they like the movie, but I will correct people when they make shyt up.....

as for SS: I don't think it will be a flop/do worse, think it'll do better than projected numbers....cause unlike bvs, it has low expectations since most people don't know shyt about the characters....all they know is it's a couple big time actors in a super hero movie....think it'll be like this year's gotg: low expectations, high returns....only thing that it doesn't have going for it that gotg did: it doesn't have something to bring the kids in...gotg had rocket racc00n...even though he was foul mouthed, kids just saw a talking animal lol....


Jul 16, 2013
That's the whole point. I watch movies for what they are. They build up characters like for example Bane and Zod only to be defeated not because the hero earned the win but because the writers shoehorned it.

It's like a team winning on a technicality. I can't buy into that. And it's consistent in every DC flick. At some point it becomes a trend and I have to take a stand. I'm sure the visuals and fight sequences are dope but I'm not a little kid.

what? that's some straight bullshyt you just said and you know it lol....cause that shyt you said can be applied to the majority of movies that has a good guy vs bad most cases, the good guys win just cause they the good guys....

just admit it man: you didn't want to see the movie, and you're glad it's getting panned by's ok...

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Just got back.

This film needed to be an absolute all time great film to be given a fair chance. It wasn't that. It's had a hive,mob mentality against it since day 1. People hated Zach, they hated Ben, they hated Jesse, they hated gal. Everything about it caused an uproar and people have been foaming at the mouth to hate it. People can deny it all they want, but marvels fan base has become more and more acidic,they're the new Apple sheep. Just look at the downright glee fakkits like @Ethnic Vagina Finder have at bad reviews.

The film is good,but it isn't great. It takes risks. It doesn't pander. It wants to be what it is and it doesn't care what you like. The biggest critiques I've seen of the film are that this film isn't what they wanted it to be. The characters are so iconic that people have expectations of what they should be. Nobody knows who ant man or Starlord are so marvel doesn't have the same vitriol and stiff expectations.

That said, the first hour is a bit shaky. There are so many moving parts and the pace is so fast that if you don't already know these characters it might be too much. The last hour and a half are almost flawless though.

Lex,like the film, is hate or love it. I think they could have toned him down a bit and it would have been more effective. That said, I do not hate him. He had just enough menace and brilliance that it made up for his quirkiness.

Wonder Woman stole the film in her little appearance.

Superman was just the same as man of steel superman. I like this portrayal,some don't.

Ben Affleck was incredible as batman. His fights were visceral and put Nolan to shame. I need a Ben batman film immediately.

I was impressed they had the balls to allude to certain JL story lines this soon.

I pray they aren't shaken by the reviews and mob mentality against the film and follow through on their vision.

End of the day, if you wanted to hate this film,you'll hate it. If you wanted to love it,you will. It's not bad enough or good enough to shake people from their pre-conceived notions.


You criticize the critics then point out/agree with some of the main reasons why it got criticized in the first place.

You can't have it both ways bruh. :russ:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
what? that's some straight bullshyt you just said and you know it lol....cause that shyt you said can be applied to the majority of movies that has a good guy vs bad most cases, the good guys win just cause they the good guys....

just admit it man: you didn't want to see the movie, and you're glad it's getting panned by's ok...

The difference with DC is their villians shouldn't lose. The plot/story has been set up for them to win, the they go out with in wimper. They build up these great villians only to see the fall in 3 yards and a cloud of dust. Even you can't refute that much. This movie doesn't even have a great villian. Mark Zuckerburg basically gets to :eat: off Zod's tech when Zod should've never been killed off that fast in the first place.


Jul 16, 2013
The difference with DC is their villians shouldn't lose. The plot/story has been set up for them to win, the they go out with in wimper. They build up these great villians only to see the fall in 3 yards and a cloud of dust. Even you can't refute that much. This movie doesn't even have a great villian. Mark Zuckerburg basically gets to :eat: off Zod's tech when Zod should've never been killed off that fast in the first place.

again: that shyt can be applied to the majority of movies where it is a good guy vs bad guy scenario....just stop man, it's know what, never mind, you don't have to stop, I will...have a good one....