The final villain was like you the audience looking at this niccas like "Corny bytch, what the fukk are you doing? What is this?"
While unbeknownst to him and why he momentarily dropped his guard Rac00n was behind him getting that powerful weapon together to destroy him.
If the villain wouldve danced back then yea... wouldve been a dance off. And if Starlord would've just talked to him.... he probably wouldve killed him before he finished talking or at worst stayed on guard and heard Rac00n going for the gun.
From a strategic standpoint, it makes perfect sense.... distraction.... but the execution of it was dumb.... but that was the intention and idea and design of it all along....
If they made another Batman movie and another suprrman movie (plot including Lex Luthor), which might have been a huge risk for WB, I feel like batma vs.Superman would have been an easier transition
or if they actually dedicated more time than that one 45 second scene where he is talking to her. they rushed everything. and covered a lot of everything in bits but ended up giving no depth.
really they should have just kept this MOS2. batman was the best part of this movie but leaving him out maybe they could have focused it on being a political movie about the dangers of power and fear of those who have it and expanded on stuff like his relationship with his mother which would have made
or if they actually dedicated more time than that one 45 second scene where he is talking to her. they rushed everything. and covered a lot of everything in bits but ended up giving no depth.
really they should have just kept this MOS2. batman was the best part of this movie but leaving him out maybe they could have focused it on being a political movie about the dangers of power and fear of those who have it and expanded on stuff like his relationship with his mother which would have made
the movie doesn't need waynes deaths again or the dream sequence or the time traveling flash ( i would lost it if it was time traveling batman beyond though
you cut all of that out and you got a tighter movie
or you add two or three ins to the fight against batman and superman
its a well made film the aesthetics, the shots, the framing ... i like Alfred as a engineer and war adviser more then father figure type of Alfred..
wonder women was good mix of sexy and sharp
i like the cyborg and auqaman stuff
I thought the a would be for green arrow
i like that lex luthor comes off crazy in this and the blowing up the senate hearing is a very lex luthor move
I will say that Snyder lacks something that a guy like Ryan Coogler has.
The ability to sell the payoff moments/emotional scenes. If you watch Creed every emotional punch felt earned. That bodes well for Black Panther. It was a bit hit or miss (in terms of me being emotionally connected) to certain dramatic scenes in this movie.
Still..I think the good far outweighs the bad. Also, I appreciate any movie that takes chances.
(This is Arishok btw, I don't know why my account reset on the PC)
Trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible but the points will contain spoilers.
At what point is Batman even remotely gullible in this film? Batman, as a character, has ALWAYS been single minded and not thinking things through when getting emotionally invested in a villain this is prominent in damn near every iteration of the character (the one that comes to mind heavily is Batman in Bad Blood which is a great animated flick btw). He does figure out that
the White Protugese is a boat and he figures it out fairly quickly to. He doesn't miss it, it's that again he's so emotionally invested in taking out Superman that those newclippings and bounced checks send him over the edge. It also doesn't help that the writing looks almost exactly like the Joker's (wonder if Lex knew that handwriting would send Bruce over the edge). He also DOES partner up with Diana after he figures out at the museum that they're after the same thing/man. He even shares info with her, teams up with her in the trinity, AND wants to form the JL with her.
How could you possibly be confused by this? It's almost the same way in Man of Steel. Some folks love him to the point where they're worshipping him like a god and others hate him and want him held accountable for his actions.
You have folks literally going when he saves them. Senators who (somewhat) got his back and everyone expect the former Wayne employee at the monument. Yes the ones who hate and distrust him are more vocal but they do show folks who align with him.Of course opinions change scene to scene, to show that different opinions on Superman He's mopes because he doesn't know how he feels about being either worshipped or hated, he just wants to do him and save folks.
This is actually a legit point, why would anyone think Superman is shooting bullets at people when he can just punch your face off? That part was a little strange.
I will say, just because the gov't knows doesn't mean it's going to be backing Supes especially if that part of
The African massacre debate makes sense for the same reason the incident at the Senate hearing made sense. Superman may not be directly to blame, but could not save lives either. It's like The President isn't the blame for the war on terror, but lives are being lost under his watch anyway and accountability needs to be taken place. That was the whole point of the hearing anyway, for Superman to take on some accountability. Even Lois felt some kind of way because he only showed up just to save HER. Needless to say, government cover-ups always happens, especially when you got CIA operatives involved. So it is understandable for them not to make the info public and everything classified due to their own CIA operations not getting compromise even further.
Elements of the movie were good, but the execution was poor. It left a lot of people scratching their heads wondering what did they just watch.
They pulled a Xmen: DoFP with Bruce and the knightmare scenes. I understand that they wanted the audience to feel like Bruce and understand the images they way Bruce did. But it just ended up being really confusing to watch.
This Batman reminded me more of the Thomas Wayne Batman. Very aggressive, emotional, and showing no mercy.
In the movie Alfred is basically the brains of the operation and Batman just executes the missions.
No real detective work, he showed way too much emotion and jumped to conclusions way too fast. He let anger and vengeance cloud his judgement which aloud Lex to manipulate him so easily. This is a 20 year vet Batman literally making year 1 mistakes.
He doesn't have the confidence, the foresight, or the mindset to run a Justice League. If this dude has issues with someone as powerful as Superman just wait till he see's what The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg are capable of....
If this is a TDKR type of Batman then I'm pretty sure that Batman turned his back on the Justice League a long time ago.
tjhe movie doesn't need waynes deaths again or the dream sequence or the time traveling flash ( i would lost it if it was time travleing batman beyond though
you cut all of that out and you got a tighter movie
or you add two or three ins to the fight against batman and superman
its a well made film the asthetics, the shots, the framing ... i like Alfred as a engineer and war advisor more then father figure type of Alfred..
wonder women was good mix of sexy and sharp
i like the cyborg and augaman stuff
I thought the a would be for green arrow
i like that lex luthor comes off crazy in this and the blowing up the senate hearing is a very lex luthor move
The waynes death was there only to serve a scene later in the film. (whether that worked or not it is up to you)
Had no problems with the dream/flash stuff based on that theory I read.
I agree about being a tighter film.
My overall impression is that if this is a 2hr film its a classic. Or its possible that the 3hr directors cut is a classic. Either they needed to flesh this movie out or they needed to condense it.
They got caught in the middle where they added plotlines they couldn't wrap in a smoother fashion.
Personally I don't blame Zack Smyder. It's the writers. They take so much time setting up the chess pieces and really the plot isn't that complex. There's also minimal character development. They need to work on Superman's characterization. He's still the exact same that he was in Man of Steel and to me it was ok in that movie but he needs to develop into a more defined person instead of being an unsure, uncertain, introverted emo. He should have a character arc instead of being a static character.
There's even a part where they damn near break way from everything and pitch mini-trailers for the other I guess founding members of the Justice League. Also the way they set up the "dawn" of the Justice League at the end of the movie is dumb as hell. In the Avengers the team was founded as a response to an actual threat. Here basically a character basically suggest they make the team for the hell of it just because they have a hunch. Not as a response to a present danger.
on your first point i agree for the most part. thats why i said this really should have been kept as MOS2 but they got scared and threw in batman to save them. doing that and trying to focus on so many things at once, they ended up giving half ass development to every character involved instead of full development for superman and lex. hell you could argue the most developed character in the movie was the damn Wayne Ent employee
good point. i know people got bashed for saying hey dc is rushing things , but literally they showed you how they were rushing to hurry up and get to justice league
they really used a damn email to save time and hurry up and introduce the members
Or maybe it just went way over your head. They are creating a team ti fight a danger. They heavily foreshadow Darkseid in this movie
Batman's dreams, Lex Luthor's gods speech, and Lex Luthor saying hes coming after his meeting with Batman. Batman straight up tells Wonder Woman "they'll have to fight."
On top of that its Superman's sacrifice thats going to bring them together. If you didn't understand that you missed a major part of the film which is Batman's character arc.
they "heavily foreshadowed" it to the audience. for the actual characters in that world there is no reason to form a team. bruce is going off a crazy vision that happened after a crazy nightmare. the team's formation is random as hell
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