The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oh and Lois's "I'm gonna put myself in places I shouldn't be because my boo will always come save me :noah:" act got old 50 years ago. The quicker they can kill her off the better. Amy Adams getting old too so she can't even be kept for eye candy much longer :camby:


Dec 14, 2015
Watched it again online cause I ain't paying for this shyt again. I'd rate it 2/5.

Affleck killed it as Wayne/Batman, but he didn't show up in costume till like over an hour into the film, shyt felt like Dark Knight Rises all over again :francis:

Wonder Woman was cool and all, but she had like 5 minutes of screentime :upsetfavre:

Doomsday looked like ass, what happened to the spikes, fukking BS, felt like yelling out "They have a cave troll" when he showed up :mjlol:

Whole Doomsday fight was shyt, lasted like 10 minutes and it was just boring, Hack Snyder can do better :skip:

The Batman/Superman fight was like 5 minutes and sucked as well, 100 minute build up for that crap :beli:

Eisnesberg as Lex was just :scust:

Hack Snyder just can't do pacing, the pacing and the scenes were all over the shop, no flow or anything, just a bunch of scenes randomly thrown together :why:

Lois Lane needs to fukking die, she always shows up and has to stick her face into everything, cool Doomsday action Lois pops into to bore us, bit more cool action oh there's Lois going for a swim again etc etc, reminded me of Dark Knight Rises and the kids on the bus:snoop:

Superman was boring as fukk, hardly spoke, no facial expressions, more wooden than a WWE table :shaq2:

No humor, like literally chuckled 2-3 times, that's it, come on, the animated films have plenty of humor in and most fans love those :dahell:

And it was dull, the whole film was just boring, even during the end when it was meant to be "COOL ACTION", I was bored and kept checking the time, the fights just sucked ass and I had no reason to care for any of the characters cause the writing is so bad, shyt was so boring and dull :russell:

30% is accurate, and I can't believe there are nikkas on here who actually liked this shyt and are giving it 8/10 and shyt, I've watched it twice now and it sucked ass both times, Snyder needs to :camby: Otherwise the JL movies are in serious trouble :stopitslime:

My review :yeshrug:

EDIT - Also, 95% is set at night, struggled to see shyt half of the time :upsetfavre:
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Apr 15, 2015
Watched it again online cause I ain't paying for this shyt again. I'd rate it 2/5.

Affleck killed it as Wayne/Batman, but he didn't show up in costume till like over an hour into the film, shyt felt like Dark Knight Rises all over again :francis:

Wonder Woman was cool and all, but she had like 5 minutes of screentime :upsetfavre:

Doomsday looked like ass, what happened to the spikes, fukking BS, felt like yelling out "They have a cave troll" when he showed up :mjlol:

Whole Doomsday fight was shyt, lasted like 10 minutes and it was just boring, Hack Snyder can do better :skip:

The Batman/Superman fight was like 5 minutes and sucked as well, 100 minute build up for that crap :beli:

Hack Snyder just can't do pacing, the pacing and the scenes were all over the shop, no flow or anything, just a bunch of scenes randomly thrown together :why:

Lois Lane needs to fukking die, she always shows up and has to stick her face into everything, cool Doomsday action Lois pops into to bore us, bit more cool action oh there's Lois going for a swim again etc etc :snoop:

Superman was boring as fukk, hardly spoke, no facial expressions, more wooden than a WWE table :shaq2:

No humor, like literally chuckled 2-3 times, that's it, come on :dahell:

And it was dull, the whole film was just boring, even during the end when it was meant to be "COOL ACTION", I was bored and kept checking the time, the fights just sucked ass and I had no reason to care for any of the characters cause the writing is so bad, shyt was so boring and dull :russell:

30% is accurate, and I can't believe there are nikkas on here who actually liked this shyt and are giving it 8/10 and shyt, I've watched it twice now and it sucked ass both times, Snyder needs to :camby: Otherwise the JL movies are in serious trouble :stopitslime:

My review :yeshrug:

Pm for link :feedme:


We The North
May 25, 2012
T Dot
First off, Snyder has a hard on for Frank Miller:russ: like seriously. But I get it, we all got people who influenced us and with that said, I really liked this movie. My boy and I saw it and we both walked away liking it with a lot to talk about. It's not a perfect flick by any means, but it does a lot more good than bad. I loved the philosophical/political shyt going on in the first half of it, especially with the current political climate we're in. Superman operating unchecked, an alien being making us feel less inferior, Batman clearly being driven to the point of being psychotic and his vigilantism not being in check either. It's got more in common with Snyder's Watchmen than Man of Steel and that's always a plus. It's not an easy flick to digest at all. Batman is dope and Ben definitely crushed the buildings. Wonder Woman was also very cool and her theme music is:ohlawd:. Jesse's Lex is hit or miss with me. There are moments where I really like what he's doing and moments where I feel like he's doing too much and goes a tad overboard but his reason for hating Superman is developed really well and in a way, he and bruce have similar reasons. But there's a nice theological thread that the movie has that I also respond to but that's probably because I'm a religious cat. And Bruce's visions were:leon:. Those visions along with seeing the trinity together got me really hype for Justice League

The Doomsday CGI and damn near all of the CGI in that fight is terrible, theres some narrative issues it has and for anyone wondering, it's definitely a batman movie more than a superman movie. I don't see that as a flaw but I know it'll rub some people the wrong way. It's a ballsy comic book flick and I appreciate it. 7.5 or 8/10. Good, not great, but in no way trash.

Also, the way the batmobile goes to the cave:banderas::whoo:
:salute:I was trolling Beats, Dimes + Life thinking you was gonna post it there.


Aug 20, 2013
4) What the hell is Wonder Woman in Metropolis for?
How can you make this a point if you right away says "she tells us this" :mjlol: Then they talk about what she said later and they're confused again :dead:
It's obvious she's giving up a run down of what the Wonder Woman movie will be about. She left and now she wants to come back to help the world of man but having that picture could be detrimental. I'm starting to see why causals need an origin flick before this if this part didn't make sense :comeon:

5) What does Lex Luthor want?
I see loads of people complaining about this and while it is explored in the film, if you're not a DC fan, you will be lost. This is more on poor writing.

Lex hates Superman because of many reasons. One is that Supes makes him feel inferior because he's worshipped as a God and we all know how Lex feels about God from his little diatribe with Superman on the roof. He wants to prove to the world that Superman isn't all good. Also, and this goes into theory from clues in the movie, I believe he's getting the same visions as Batman. From the Batman vision at the end of the movie, to him going "ping, ping, ping" (the sound of the motherbox) to the painting of the angels and demons being turned upside and the demon looking very similar to the Parademons; this leads me to believe that Lex knows something about Darkseid and his eventual arrival.
But again this is lost in the poor writing, so this point does stand somewhat.

6) Is Lois Lane magic?
Instantaneous teleportation is used is almost all films :pachaha: Characters being in the right place at the right time is a device used in most films use, I'm not going to fault this film using that plot device

7) Corollary: Why do Clark Kent and Lois Lane love each other?
Not to bring up Marvel but; why do Thor and Jane love each other? Why do Black Widow and Hulk love each other? Romance isn't usually done that well in action films. This is a legit point though, I have no idea what made them fall for each other, other than both being attracted to each other and Lois being his anchor while Supes is her man cand.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
You're so right. The movie was too deep and complex for me tbh. Snyder is the master of thematic subtlety and the film's rich subtexts and layers were more than I could handle.

The critics panning this movie just don't get it. Snyder the goat

i told you pretentious fanbase every comic film with the DCEU logo is great to them.....just have to be "dark"

went from DC Films will make comicbook movies great again to it was good film for what it was

:mjlol:they try to save face all over the net

hood b. goode

Oct 22, 2012
ProSports: NOLA. College: UMich. Europe: Arsenal
just saw it @ 11:30 pm showing last nite
  • The flashbacks and dream worlds got a little excessive.
  • I am worried about Batman's relevance in fights against intergalatic beings going forward. His abilities are at least on par with Captain America, and the avengers movies do a good job of keeping the Captain busy and kicking ass in those types of battles. That mega, ironman-like suit was a good start, if only for meaning that Batman can take and dish out superhuman punishment.
  • Supes and Batman going from mortal enemies to besties in a single bound? lol
  • Wonder Woman was smoking hot. I like her
  • Some of the storytelling was particularly lazy, like wonder woman photos happening to be on the lex luthor hard drive...
  • This movie was trying to do everything, like other folks said.
  • How did luthor know who batman was? who superman was? Who superman's mom was and where she lived?
  • The fight with doomsday @ the end was a little too epic. zomg lasers electricity flashes thunder explosions sparks...we get it snyder
  • When superman took that nuke in space and was physically destroyed...was it the rays of the non-atmospherically diluted sun that healed him?
  • I'm probably one of the 55 people on the planet who thought man of steel was a great movie. Really liked Snyder's ability to direct it. His artistic skill and his slow motion, artful panning of the camera across faces and landscapes.
  • But.
  • But this dude needs to get the hell away from this franchise. They gotta get a real, plot pacing director and let him have at it. All options are on the table. Marvel execs are probably giddy over how much this movie was messed up.
  • Since Nolan is much too cool for justice league, they need to let the upcoming world-building movies before justice league be tryouts. Give 2-3 directors chances to put movies together and roll with the winner


Aug 20, 2013
i told you pretentious fanbase every comic film with the DCEU logo is great to them.....just have to be "dark"

went from DC Films will make comicbook movies great again to it was good film for what it was

:mjlol:they try to save face all over the net
Green Lantern would like a word with you


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
:salute:I was trolling Beats, Dimes + Life thinking you was gonna post it there.

I thought about it. I probably will today. We're recording an episode today that was going to be solely dedicated to this year in comic book movies but now it'll be a lot of Phife stuff in there so I might throw the review on the site instead. I need to get my thoughts together to be coherent