First off, Snyder has a hard on for Frank Miller

like seriously. But I get it, we all got people who influenced us and with that said, I really liked this movie. My boy and I saw it and we both walked away liking it with a lot to talk about. It's not a perfect flick by any means, but it does a lot more good than bad. I loved the philosophical/political shyt going on in the first half of it, especially with the current political climate we're in. Superman operating unchecked, an alien being making us feel less inferior, Batman clearly being driven to the point of being psychotic and his vigilantism not being in check either. It's got more in common with Snyder's Watchmen than Man of Steel and that's always a plus. It's not an easy flick to digest at all. Batman is dope and Ben definitely crushed the buildings. Wonder Woman was also very cool and her theme music is

. Jesse's Lex is hit or miss with me. There are moments where I really like what he's doing and moments where I feel like he's doing too much and goes a tad overboard but his reason for hating Superman is developed really well and in a way, he and bruce have similar reasons. But there's a nice theological thread that the movie has that I also respond to but that's probably because I'm a religious cat. And Bruce's visions were

. Those visions along with seeing the trinity together got me really hype for Justice League
The Doomsday CGI and damn near all of the CGI in that fight is terrible, theres some narrative issues it has and for anyone wondering, it's definitely a batman movie more than a superman movie. I don't see that as a flaw but I know it'll rub some people the wrong way. It's a ballsy comic book flick and I appreciate it. 7.5 or 8/10. Good, not great, but in no way trash.
Also, the way the batmobile goes to the cave