The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Hopefully he will be and I guarantee he'll be a better character because of it

I'm no big Super man fan this one they have here is just so one dimensional, I don't even buy he cares about Earth other than his mom and Lois.

Dude has the nerve to say Batman is wrong while he does the same thing :heh:

and how did superman change batman? Robin's death changed him if anything and when we even talk about change that's hard to do since this is the only movie with bat Affleck
Did you see the end of the movie?

Batman was about to give Kex that death sentence. But he didn't... That was one of the main beefs Superman had with Batman... Dude was giving sentences out at his own regard (even if they deserved it).

Superman wasn't feeling it BUT that's not why they fought. Superman threatened Batman but didn't want the fight actually... In that moment. He wanted his help. If it wasn't for Lex then either Batman or Superman would be dead... But Lex brought them together.

And how does he not care about anyone when he's at any disaster pretty much saving anyone despite Lois not being involved? He wants to help... Just like in MOS when he saved everyone on the schoolbus.

Dude isn't one dimensional... The fight was the only thing anyone can blame Clark for but even still he was going against people with equal power intent on destroying everything... Not just Superman.

These nikkas even Nuked Clark and he still shook it off :what:


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
And this breh was very skeptical about the movie a year ago.

If he like it :wow:

Lil plot holes aside, dis is exactly how I like mah superhero/comic book movies.

I really liked Watchmen and Nolan's Batman trilogy. I'm personally not a fan of dem always campy, always neatly wrapped up, no surrus heartaches of war type shyts. No way you can have battles between all dese mutants, meta humans, villains etc. without dere being casualties and darkness accompanying it in some capacity.

Dere's a lane for bof Marvel and DC. All dese fukkin nerds and nitpickin phaggits on bof sides need to get a grip and just enjoy da difference in adaptation approaches.

shyt is stupid. :camby:

*side note* Wasnt sposed to go see dis shyt without mah girl...but she ain't gotta know. Round 2. :lolbron:

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
were you agreeing/disagreeing with what i said?


Ultimate Hawkeye, n Ultimate Stark (which is who MCU Stark n MCU Hawkeye are most based on), Banner (who has had stories showing his mcu sarcastic personality), Thor (who has actually had hilarious comic moments matching up with his mcu personality) etc dont atleast wise crack in the comics now :dahell:


Chance 3 :wow: :blessed:
Jun 5, 2014
Darien Ga
It seems like the ONLY character they took they time with was ZOD. That's the only character I felt they took their time with. He had emotion, purpose and he made you understand his viewpoint. Superman didn't really have no rhyme or reason to save earth (other than to protect his mother). His father abandoned him. He even admitted that he could've come with him but didn't. Never even knew his mother. Now all of a sudden he's listening to his ghost.

It's like the plot was rigged for Zod to win. But he obviously couldn't so it turned into a plot of convenience. OK. Fine.

Without even seeing this movie yet they took the ending of MOS and just went full retard with the plot. NONE of that shyt could possibly make sense.

And YEAH, I'm a Marvel stan.. but Civil War has been building up since the first Avengers. So when you see them fight, you actually understand why, you're invested in the characters cause and it just adds more to the experience.

WHY would I give a shyt about Superman's cause. He's basically listening to random gibberish Jor-El told him about humans. And he wanted the Kryptonian race to die because they stopped having natural births. Jor El was willing to let his entire race die for no good reason. I can go on and on about this bullshyt writing but I will save my energy until after I pick apart this movie.

Once you get past the costumes, CGI and explosions, a movie is only as good as the least amount of major plot holes you discover.
The build up is a real issue here, I liked MoS more than most but I would have liked it better if they would have just come out and said "with gret power comes great responsibility" :pachaha:

That really is the only motivation I see for him giving a damn about earth


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
People about it's not the Lex Luthor y'all know is because he's LITERALLY not the Lex Luthor you know.

Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-Three)
So is that supposed to mean the real Lex Luthor is gonna be cast in future movies?

Is so what is the point of that?:pachaha:
Man, my church lady mom knows who the Flash and Aquaman are and the only TV she watches is Bobby Jones Gospel.
And all anyone needs to know in a Justice League movie is that The Flash runs fast and Aquaman talks to origins can be saved for their own movies.
I'm not just talking about they're powers but personalities as well

If Flash is a straight take no prisoners type of guy and kills the bad guys in JL film, I would like to know why:heh:

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
i'm not ready to say where it's at like all time...need to see it again, especially that director's cut....after the 1st viewing, i put it right there with 1st avengers, watchmen (theater version), spidey 1, and scott pilgrim vs the world to name a few...which is damn good company....
Yea I was only comparing DC/Marvel movies the last 10 years or so.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I went in with low expectations and I still don't know if they were met or not or exceeded...

Just one of the strangest movies I have seen in far as pacing and scale goes...

I abhor Afleck but he was actually pretty good as batman...

Pacing in this movie is virtually non existent...just jumps from scene to scene without any real rhyme or reason

And yet...I do have to applaud Snyder...because he really did try to make a real movie with super heroes in it...instead of just the typical marvel formula...where every movie outside of Winter Soldier is pretty much formulaic and interchangeable...he really did try to make a real adult movie...i can't imagine anyone who read the batman and superman comics growing up liking this at has some real adult themes...asked real adult questions...I also applaud the movie being about batman and superman...not about Bruce and Clark...there are very few bruce and clark scenes that are important to the movie...which takes some guts because all superhero movies have to have "we are human to" scenes...and this movie has like...2...

Eisenberg is so bad in this...and that hurt cause I am a stan of his...and it's not really his fault...Lex is a guy who should be played one way...same as he always is...he is supposed to be a person who at least when it comes to intelligence...wit...charisma...personal every bit as powerful as any DC villain or hero...instead he comes off as just some whiny cac who wants...something...never really explains what he wants...and that is a shame...every time I saw him on screen I was thinking "why isn't this dude playing the riddler?" It's like he played the riddler and then at the last minute they changed the riddler to Lex...

Fight scenes were even bleh...thank god they wasted Doomsday on this...a mindless villian for a mindless movie...

On the one hand this is only the second movie in the DC universe that is supposed to tie into the Justice Warner Bros should get a little slack here...DC characters are completely different from marvel is going to take some time to get it right...and I like the fact that they took chances with the movie...even though they failed...on the other do they have a long way to go...they STRUGGLED to tell a story with 3 superhero characters and a mute brute villian in 2 and a half on earth are they going to tell a JL story with six superheroes and Darkseid?

Will need to see the directors cut before I can give a final judgment on the movie...Watchmen Director Cut is so much better than the theatrical version...Snyder needs to learn how to tell a story in two and a half hours though...

This movie to me is the sole reason to why I now even more than ever believe we need "formulas"

Like this movie reminds me of a chick I know.... she can cook her ass all but for the life of her has no idea how to make a complete meal.

Like if you just eat her chicken or spaghetti or etc you'd be like "gotdamn Ma.... you killing it in the kitchen"

But asking for her to put a feast together is a bit much and in the end you just get a bunch of random shyt together like Spagetti with rice, some cranberry sauce and butter biscuits :mindblown: