Sites are given access by other outlets in exchange for positive reviews and I wouldn't be surprised if some of those backroom deals include hating on the competition but ultimately the audience tells the story. Audiences loved Man of Steel while critics were divided. The audiences were more pleased with Man of Steel BY FAR over Superman Returns. There's also some people who have it out for Snyder. But he got Affleck and Terrio on the team. David Ayer in the cut. Leto and Robbie. I think Drew from Hitflix is going to choke on one of his hot dogs when he sees this
Lowkey, the most hate for MoS I encountered was with people I saw it with. Damn near threw hands with someone that was like Superman Returns >>>> MoS and Dean Cain >>>> Henry Cavil
I imagine some people are also holding on for dear life that the uber-cac version of Superman remains status quo, when that baby ain't landing on 1940s Smallville no mo. He cake walked through the 50s, as the Kents were coming off the great WWII win, while obviously knee deep in piss poor eating habits.
That means you, Pa
Modern Supes has landed on post-Vietnam Earth, where paranoia and division are at an all-time high, and the Kents fed off of the times, doing everything they could to protect Clark's identity for FAR MORE desperate reasons. That's why Jonathon semi-hilariously let himself get F-5'd.
People just don't wanna let go