Recent interview with Zack Synder
- The movie is 99.9% complete. They are fine tuning the remaining, it has been shown internally (most likely test screenings) and now will be shown to the public. The worldwide tour will begin soon
- Justice League is being prepped
- It is a continuation of the MoS storyline, but you don't need to have seen MoS to get this movie. Zack was ready for the reaction to MoS, both positive and negative, he considers himself a comic book fan and wants to default to that canon
- Nolan's Batman is a closed storyline and it didn't make sense to stuff Superman in that world. That will remain its own thing.
- The story focuses mainly on Batman and Superman. The other Justice League characters play a very small role, mainly we get whispers that they exist (apart from one woman). This movie just begins the conversation that these guys are out there
- Zack has complete respect for the TV side of the universe, but he considers that DC has a multiverse. The characters are so iconic and will survive beyond the actors who play them and the creators who work on them. The TV Universe and the Movie Universe will exist concurrently but differently
Maybe nikkas will stop crying about it being too many characters in the film. WW is probably Black Widow from IM2 status and the rest barely have screen time, if any at all.