"Ultron" was a fukking mess so I don't get your point.
Of course it matters how many movies it's taking. As I said if this isn't a grand slam the DC cinematic universe is dead in the water. Off one movie. Nobody is going to go see Aquaman or Shazam if they can't get a Batman vs Superman movie right. That's a problem specific to DC's approach.
And like I said, all that is

to me. My main beef is Lex/Doomsday (if that's him) look awful. I can over look everything else. Hell, I can even over look Doomsday. But as soon as Jesse Eisenberg pops into frame the trailer takes a nose dive. If I had no prior knowledge of this movie and you asked me to guess what character he's supposed to be, I'd have no idea.
The point is people are complaining about their being too many characters yet get their panties wet when marvel stuffs their films full of them. It's typical marvel stan hypocrisy.
Lol,hyperbole much. There is literally a 0% chance this film will result in the dccu being dead in the water.
At worst,its going to be polarizing and anger nerds on the internet like man of steel.
If you believed the internet then everyone hated man of steel and the universe is already a failure. Yet it made more than any other superman film by far,made more than over half the mcu films and we are on the precipice of its next film.
This movies going to be polarzing,its going to make over a billion and people will be lined up to see the next dc film.
It really doesnt matter if you dont like jesse as lex or that kill dat noize doesnt like anyone but christopher reeve. You have to be downright delusional to think this film will be a failure.
The general public doesnt know who shazaam is and have no expectations of what a proper shazaam movie should be. As long as its a good movie that trumps what comic nerds think.
I mean,nolans batman films are still widely considered the goat comic book films and he didnt follow the comics AT ALL.
It really doesnt matter. The internet is not real life. Jessie doesnt need to be the lex luthor you want him to be. As long as he works within the context of what this particular story is telling is all that matters. I think hes going to be great,i have no expectations of what he should be as im open to interpretations.