When it was revealed that Jena Malone had been cast in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (a role she dyed her hair red for), fans immediately began speculating that she would be playing Carrie Kelly. After all, this movie is taking inspiration from Frank Miller's classic
The Dark Knight Returns, so that theory made at least some sense. Then, The Hollywood Reporter weighed in by indicating that they had heard that was indeed the role
The Hunger Games star had been chosen for.
Maybe not! According to
Latino-Review, Malone has actually been cast as Barbara Gordon, a character better know to us all as either Batgirl or Oracle! They're not sure what exactly her role in
Batman v Superman will be, but Snyder could really go either way with the character here.
Malone always seemed a bit old for Carrie, and Barbara - another redhead - seems like a much better fit overall. The movie could portray her as Batgirl, Oracle, or perhaps most likely in a flashback to The Joker shooting her presumably at the same time we see the Clown Prince of Crime murdering Robin (who will apparently be played by Zack Snyder's son). We'll have to wait and see, but which version of Barbara would you most like to see her as? As always, let us know below!
RUMOR: Jena Malone's BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE Role Finally Revealed