That's cool but overall which do you prefer and I'm talking every media creation of 'Batman' be it comics, movies, TV, cartoons, music, etc. the stories with or without Robin or is it exactly even?
I respect comics is the main source but most consider all when considering the character and his story lines, I mean comics way more for sure but you know 'Batman' is bigger than comics.
I prefer him with robin to be honest. I think they have a great relationship and it's filled with plenty of tension also due to Bruce being a bit of an ass. It's good to have him bounce off of someone and teach and motivate while also learning himself even if he won't admit that he's learning. There's a lot of different ways to go with the two of them: father son, teacher student, brothers. And the bat family is such a big part of that character and his legacy, I love seeing the affect it has on him and even how his villains interact with him knowing he's got "these kids," it gives him more to lose and he feels personally responsible for their well-being