The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
That's cool but overall which do you prefer and I'm talking every media creation of 'Batman' be it comics, movies, TV, cartoons, music, etc. the stories with or without Robin or is it exactly even?
I respect comics is the main source but most consider all when considering the character and his story lines, I mean comics way more for sure but you know 'Batman' is bigger than comics.

I prefer him with robin to be honest. I think they have a great relationship and it's filled with plenty of tension also due to Bruce being a bit of an ass. It's good to have him bounce off of someone and teach and motivate while also learning himself even if he won't admit that he's learning. There's a lot of different ways to go with the two of them: father son, teacher student, brothers. And the bat family is such a big part of that character and his legacy, I love seeing the affect it has on him and even how his villains interact with him knowing he's got "these kids," it gives him more to lose and he feels personally responsible for their well-being

Lefty Gunz

May 2, 2012
Umberto Gonzalez so take it with a grain of salt but :francis:

HOT RUMOR: Callan Mulvey Playing KGBeast In 'Batman v Superman'
Umberto GonzalezJuly 29, 2015
I find it odd that people still ask me about this one considering it's been previously speculated. Callan Mulvey is indeed rumored to be playing Luthor's Russian right hand man Anatoli Knyazev aka the KGBeast based on what I'm hearing from sources.

Devin Faraci first reported we will be seeing Knyazev in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

“At any rate, one of Luthor’s agents has a name, and that name is Anatoli Knyazev. Hardcore fans will recognize that as the name of the KGBeast, a Batman villain introduced in 1988’s classic Ten Nights of the Beast storyline. In that story the Beast, an enhanced agent of the KGB, came to the US to kill ten targets, and he did it with extreme measures, including poisoning an entire 200 person dinner party to get one guy. He battled Batman to a standstill, and at one point when entangled in the Batrope the KGBeast cut off his own hand to escape.”
As Devin also stated, we won't be getting the comic book version of KGBeast. Knyazev is the badass that reportedly keeps tabs on the metahumans in the movie. Having Knyazev is I think a very cool easter egg and throwback.

I absolutely loved Ten Nights Of The Beast when it first dropped in comic book stores. I still own the original four issues to this very day. Batman #417-420. From the Mike Zeck covers, to the tight plotting, in my opinion I thought KGBeast was Batman's toughest foe who matched him in both brains and brawn. That is until Bane came along just a few years later. KGBeast became a bum that Bane smacked around in prison in Vengeance of Bane.

HOT RUMOR: Callan Mulvey Playing KGBeast In 'Batman v Superman'


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I prefer him with robin to be honest. I think they have a great relationship and it's filled with plenty of tension also due to Bruce being a bit of an ass. It's good to have him bounce off of someone and teach and motivate while also learning himself even if he won't admit that he's learning. There's a lot of different ways to go with the two of them: father son, teacher student, brothers. And the bat family is such a big part of that character and his legacy, I love seeing the affect it has on him and even how his villains interact with him knowing he's got "these kids," it gives him more to lose and he feels personally responsible for their well-being
Hmm . . . yeah I think I prefer Bats dolo. A boy wonder type is a bit corny IMO. You know there is another type of relationship yer uh leaving out. It has that connotation for some people to. lol
So is this movie and subsequent universe a missed opportunity or nah? If we going with Frank Miller The Dark Knight Returns Bats here doesn't he have like a teenage girl Robin?


May 22, 2015
Umberto Gonzalez so take it with a grain of salt but :francis:

HOT RUMOR: Callan Mulvey Playing KGBeast In 'Batman v Superman'
Umberto GonzalezJuly 29, 2015
I find it odd that people still ask me about this one considering it's been previously speculated. Callan Mulvey is indeed rumored to be playing Luthor's Russian right hand man Anatoli Knyazev aka the KGBeast based on what I'm hearing from sources.

Devin Faraci first reported we will be seeing Knyazev in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

“At any rate, one of Luthor’s agents has a name, and that name is Anatoli Knyazev. Hardcore fans will recognize that as the name of the KGBeast, a Batman villain introduced in 1988’s classic Ten Nights of the Beast storyline. In that story the Beast, an enhanced agent of the KGB, came to the US to kill ten targets, and he did it with extreme measures, including poisoning an entire 200 person dinner party to get one guy. He battled Batman to a standstill, and at one point when entangled in the Batrope the KGBeast cut off his own hand to escape.”
As Devin also stated, we won't be getting the comic book version of KGBeast. Knyazev is the badass that reportedly keeps tabs on the metahumans in the movie. Having Knyazev is I think a very cool easter egg and throwback.

I absolutely loved Ten Nights Of The Beast when it first dropped in comic book stores. I still own the original four issues to this very day. Batman #417-420. From the Mike Zeck covers, to the tight plotting, in my opinion I thought KGBeast was Batman's toughest foe who matched him in both brains and brawn. That is until Bane came along just a few years later. KGBeast became a bum that Bane smacked around in prison in Vengeance of Bane.

HOT RUMOR: Callan Mulvey Playing KGBeast In 'Batman v Superman'
I could see it being true but I also don't see it being any more than a 2-3 minute role. It probably won't be much different from the guy who gets his ass kicked #6 role he had in CA2. :pachaha:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Hmm . . . yeah I think I prefer Bats dolo. A boy wonder type is a bit corny IMO. You know there is another type of relationship yer uh leaving out. It has that connotation for some people to. lol
So is this movie and subsequent universe a missed opportunity or nah? If we going with Frank Miller The Dark Knight Returns Bats here doesn't he have like a teenage girl Robin?

Of course it could have another connotation but I think most of the public just buys into these things now and its all about execution as always. I like him solo but I love him with his fam..either a robin or batgirl.

I wouldn't say they're missing an opportunity but there was a rumor a while ago that they were going with Carrie for Robin which would make sense with dark knight returns as a bit of their source material, which I think would be cool to not only see him with a partner and for it to be female, but also see him adjust to having a partner again after losing a partner and having to acclimate himself to that and become comfortable with the idea of losing someone again


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Of course it could have another connotation but I think most of the public just buys into these things now and its all about execution as always. I like him solo but I love him with his fam..either a robin or batgirl.

I wouldn't say they're missing an opportunity but there was a rumor a while ago that they were going with Carrie for Robin which would make sense with dark knight returns as a bit of their source material, which I think would be cool to not only see him with a partner and for it to be female, but also see him adjust to having a partner again after losing a partner and having to acclimate himself to that and become comfortable with the idea of losing someone again
Yeah anything done right can work but I think if they went the female Robin route it would be a tough sell.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Yeah anything done right can work but I think if they went the female Robin route it would be a tough sell.

We've seen a movie about an man who can shrink to the size of an ant and calls himself ant-man..I don't think anything is a tough sell anymore breh. In fact, 51% of the moviegoing public are women and I'm sure they'd love to see that. And the amount of good press DC would get for it would be a good look for them which would sell itself. I think they'd be fine.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
We've seen a movie about an man who can shrink to the size of an ant and calls himself ant-man..I don't think anything is a tough sell anymore breh. In fact, 51% of the moviegoing public are women and I'm sure they'd love to see that. And the amount of good press DC would get for it would be a good look for them which would sell itself. I think they'd be fine.
No, Ant-Man was a tough sell it just happened to work.
Nothing is a tough sell anymore? Everything people try in movies character wise/script wise is likely to work? Wow.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
No, Ant-Man was a tough sell it just happened to work.
Nothing is a tough sell anymore? Everything people try in movies character wise/script wise is likely to work? Wow.

No breh i mean nothing in these comic book movies seems like a tough sell anymore. All of them get some measure of success, some greater than others but they all get a measure of it. A female Robin, in a world where people are poking and prodding Marvel as to why there are no female driven superhero movies aside from captain marvel, when people are asking Feige why there's no Black Widow movie, when Scarlett is doing that female superhero sketch on SNL and writers are crafting pieces about it, discussing its merits and its truthfulness and why its kinda sad, I think a female Robin, especially with a character as good as Carrie, it will be an easy sell. You've got the hardcore comic book geeks who are going to love it, you got the casual male fans who will rock with it because its batman and even the ones who won't will be outnumbered more than likely, and then you've got the women who will more than likely be cool with it and be down with the idea of seeing someone who looks like them represented on screen. If you can sell ant-man, you can sell Carrie Kelley. There's nothing about her that's odd or oft-putting; she's a smart girl, who's very proactive and wants to make a difference in her city with or without batman, and he notices that in her and decides to bring her aboard


Jun 6, 2012
New York
No breh i mean nothing in these comic book movies seems like a tough sell anymore. All of them get some measure of success, some greater than others but they all get a measure of it. A female Robin, in a world where people are poking and prodding Marvel as to why there are no female driven superhero movies aside from captain marvel, when people are asking Feige why there's no Black Widow movie, when Scarlett is doing that female superhero sketch on SNL and writers are crafting pieces about it, discussing its merits and its truthfulness and why its kinda sad, I think a female Robin, especially with a character as good as Carrie, it will be an easy sell. You've got the hardcore comic book geeks who are going to love it, you got the casual male fans who will rock with it because its batman and even the ones who won't will be outnumbered more than likely, and then you've got the women who will more than likely be cool with it and be down with the idea of seeing someone who looks like them represented on screen. If you can sell ant-man, you can sell Carrie Kelley. There's nothing about her that's odd or oft-putting; she's a smart girl, who's very proactive and wants to make a difference in her city with or without batman, and he notices that in her and decides to bring her aboard
This movie is definitely certified to be successful especially financially but I just disagree on the point. There's a reason Chris O'Donnell and whoever was with Adam West are the only versions of him on film. Robin is a tough sell in general. If you want Batman to shine him being on a team makes him less than.
Every reason you named has a flip side, creepy old man with young teenage girl, why not dikk Grayson or whoever else, the movie could be seen as pandering to demographics too blatantly, getting the character wrong by say over sexualizing, or not sexualizing her enough, etc. It is a slippery slope nowhere near a given.