Breh Obama
First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Marvel literally shytted on DCs worthless shytty gameplan
Marvel need to go ahead and drop the trailer
It won't overshadow Thor... it'll actually help Thor cuz more ppl will wanna see it cuz it leads right into Infinity War
DC gave us Justice League trailers online well before WW even came out... maybe I can't use them in comparison tho since Marvel killin them on the movie front
I wish Marvel would hop in the animated film game like DC has cuz I'd love to see some of these team ups we'll never see on film due to film rights
Marvel literally shytted on DCs worthless shytty gameplan
That's why this isn't the official trailer and was only supposed to be for the people at comic con. The official trailer will be completely differenti still think they could have cut the trailer better for infinity wars so that it didnt give away too much the avengers and guardians meet shouldn't have been in the trailer..thats where i say it might have spoiled thor ragnarok a little
Marvel literally shytted on DCs worthless shytty gameplan
The last infinity stone must be in that Black PantherI don't think Thor leads directly into Infinity War. I haven't seen anyone at Marvel say that, people just sort of assume that. What Marvel has been saying for some time now is that Black Panther leads directly into Infinity War. Marvel is talking about Black Panther in the same way they talked about The Winter Soldier.
And they about to sit on the commode again.
i still think they could have cut the trailer better for infinity wars so that it didnt give away too much the avengers and guardians meet shouldn't have been in the trailer..thats where i say it might have spoiled thor ragnarok a little
And they about to sit on the commode again.
Yeah it's supposed to film until december...dedication
I wonder what the title will be tho.I meant to post this a couple days ago, Josh Brolin was getting interviewed and he said he hadn't started working on this movie yet.
Which doesn't seem like an important piece of info, until you realize the 4th movie will feature Thanos as a villain regardless of what it's called. I remember people were tripping off them changing the name of the 4th movie from "Infinity War Part 2".
And they about to sit on the commode again.