The Official "Avengers: Infinity War" Thread (SPOILERS)


Sep 29, 2012
The marketing for this movie is ass. They must gave spent all the budget on CGI and shyt.

Movie comes out in a little over a month and these fools go back and redo shyt because of Black Panther. Its all good adding more Wakanda, but don't move up the release if you ain't ready...I love Spider-man but this is Sony's fault for fukking the whole damn schedule up.
Aug 3, 2012
The marketing for this movie is ass. They must gave spent all the budget on CGI and shyt.

Movie comes out in a little over a month and these fools go back and redo shyt because of Black Panther. Its all good adding more Wakanda, but don't move up the release if you ain't ready...I love Spider-man but this is Sony's fault for fukking the whole damn schedule up.

I agree, but I can honestly see how the success of black panther shook things up a little. I'm sure it caught everyone off guard.

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
I don't like when comedy is used to undercut serious moments too often, but it's never gotten to the point that it soured me on any film.

who said otherwise?

most people are in total agreement with what you just said. superheroes originated from funny books so of course there should be an element of comedy involved. but there is no need to undercut a serious moment in favor a needless laugh... which was my EXACT criticism of that scene in TWS.

more importantly though it's the TYPE of comedy that ppl have a problem with.

for example in iron man 1... at the beginning there is a scene where Tony is going at it with that reporter chick and shyt looks like it's getting heated... then all of sudden there's a quick cut to them having sex. not a gut busting laugh out loud moment but it will make you smile. clever moments like that are always welcome in these movies. there should always be some room for levity.

there is nothing clever about SLAPSTICK comedy. it is literally the LOWEST FORM of comedy there is and is aimed at the LOWEST denominator. more and more disney has been leaning in this direction, both with marvel as well as star wars. it's like there's a quota to see how much dumb shyt they can stuff into every scene. for god sakes there was a YO MAMA joke in the last star wars movie!

but hey if someone is the type of person that still think SHAKE WEIGHT jokes are funny... then yea i could see why they might be blind to these criticisms.


Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
who said otherwise?

most people are in total agreement with what you just said. superheroes originated from funny books so of course there should be an element of comedy involved. but there is no need to undercut a serious moment in favor a needless laugh... which was my EXACT criticism of that scene in TWS.

more importantly though it's the TYPE of comedy that ppl have a problem with.

for example in iron man 1... at the beginning there is a scene where Tony is going at it with that reporter chick and shyt looks like it's getting heated... then all of sudden there's a quick cut to them having sex. not a gut busting laugh out loud moment but it will make you smile. clever moments like that are always welcome in these movies. there should always be some room for levity.

there is nothing clever about SLAPSTICK comedy. it is literally the LOWEST FORM of comedy there is and is aimed at the LOWEST denominator. more and more disney has been leaning in this direction, both with marvel as well as star wars. it's like there's a quota to see how much dumb shyt they can stuff into every scene. for god sakes there was a YO MAMA joke in the last star wars movie!

but hey if someone is the type of person that still think SHAKE WEIGHT jokes are funny... then yea i could see why they might be blind to these criticisms.

nothing but facts spoken dapped and repped.

People really in here :cape: for shake weight jokes?


Sep 29, 2012
Y'all trippin way to hard about comedy in a comic book movie...This ain't Casablanca :skip:

Cristopher Nolan ain't directing every movie brehs...its produced and marketed by Disney to/for everybody(13 and up of course) not just serious internet comic nerds. Get over it.


All Star
Jul 27, 2015
who said otherwise?

most people are in total agreement with what you just said. superheroes originated from funny books so of course there should be an element of comedy involved. but there is no need to undercut a serious moment in favor a needless laugh... which was my EXACT criticism of that scene in TWS.

more importantly though it's the TYPE of comedy that ppl have a problem with.

for example in iron man 1... at the beginning there is a scene where Tony is going at it with that reporter chick and shyt looks like it's getting heated... then all of sudden there's a quick cut to them having sex. not a gut busting laugh out loud moment but it will make you smile. clever moments like that are always welcome in these movies. there should always be some room for levity.

there is nothing clever about SLAPSTICK comedy. it is literally the LOWEST FORM of comedy there is and is aimed at the LOWEST denominator. more and more disney has been leaning in this direction, both with marvel as well as star wars. it's like there's a quota to see how much dumb shyt they can stuff into every scene. for god sakes there was a YO MAMA joke in the last star wars movie!

but hey if someone is the type of person that still think SHAKE WEIGHT jokes are funny... then yea i could see why they might be blind to these criticisms.


I don't think its about style of comedy, I think it comes down to whether a joke/comedic moment is kept in character and if it subsequently comes off as forced

There's humor in a character who's introduced as comedic relief to begin with, doing a joke or a gag when it occurs within a logical context of his story arc like the shake weight stuff. Or Falcon making a wisecrack after a "heavy" speech - that's not done out of character and it doesn't come off as forced or stuffed in an ill-fitting situation said by an ill-fitting character, when he started the movie exchanging jokes with Cap. Not to mention it was a quick line and not a drawn-out slapstick moment.

But an evil space Nazi entertaining mama jokes or prank calls is not done with attention to consistency of character/arc/context or even world, or a genocidal robot in the climax of a final battle making quips. Even if its a straight character unintentionally being a part of something funny (ie Kylo Ren's "funny" moments in Last Jedi), its breaking apart a consistent portrayal of character. To me, those are the only moments when I have an issue with comedic elements, and the only time in Ragnarok where I felt it veered into that territory was when Hela was doing semi-jokes on Asgard. Otherwise, you're literally trying not to enjoy yourself while watching a movie


Feb 27, 2014
Jokes are fine but I do agree with that "what are those" joke in BP. I didn't even realise people still say that dumb shyt.

Unlike homie it didn't take me out the movie but yeah bad joke.

AOU had the worst quips in the final battle, there was a quip every cut. That actually took me out of that flick. Tell good jokes don't use it as filler.

To be fair the script was written in 2016, so it was “trendy” at the time

Wavy Hair Chipped Teeth

they spinnin nugga they spinnin
Jul 16, 2014
Live nikka Rap
To be fair the script was written in 2016, so it was “trendy” at the time
Also an African country might noyt necessarily be on the same timeline as the US when it comes to pop culture that originated here. The reason many rap acts that are afterthoughts here get much love in Africa & Europe

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
I don't think its about style of comedy, I think it comes down to whether a joke/comedic moment is kept in character and if it subsequently comes off as forced

There's humor in a character who's introduced as comedic relief to begin with, doing a joke or a gag when it occurs within a logical context of his story arc like the shake weight stuff. Or Falcon making a wisecrack after a "heavy" speech - that's not done out of character and it doesn't come off as forced or stuffed in an ill-fitting situation said by an ill-fitting character, when he started the movie exchanging jokes with Cap. Not to mention it was a quick line and not a drawn-out slapstick moment.

But an evil space Nazi entertaining mama jokes or prank calls is not done with attention to consistency of character/arc/context or even world, or a genocidal robot in the climax of a final battle making quips. Even if its a straight character unintentionally being a part of something funny (ie Kylo Ren's "funny" moments in Last Jedi), its breaking apart a consistent portrayal of character. To me, those are the only moments when I have an issue with comedic elements, and the only time in Ragnarok where I felt it veered into that territory was when Hela was doing semi-jokes on Asgard. Otherwise, you're literally trying not to enjoy yourself while watching a movie

Nah we just see those scenes differently is all.

You thought it was in character, I thought it was in poor taste. Perhaps it is both, I guess it depends on who’s watching.

Like I said for me personally it’s just a real powerful moment... like basically the scene that the whole movie leads up to. It’s the point at which the movie basically says “hey guys i know we’re all having fun here but don’t forget that there’s something to be learned from as well ...”

I value those moments more than anything else in these movies.

Yes technically it is in character for Falcon to drop a punchline because he has functioned as a (sort of) comedic relief, but think about how much more powerful it would have been if he said nothing at all and just stood there in admiration like everybody else.

I just thought it would have made for a much more powerful moment, and it felt like a huge missed opportunity. These movies are silly and the characters are silly but their morals and their messages are very real and they can afford to be more sincere in their delivery.

But again that is just my opinion.


May 7, 2012
Re: "What are those?"

Y'all just taught me something bc I didn't understand the reference but every time Ive watched the movie the theater literally erupts in laughter when Shuri says that and we zoom in on T'Challa sandals. I thought it was just bc of the open toes

Didn't know what she said was a vine thing. Got me feeling now :flabbynsick:


May 12, 2012
Shake Weight wasn't a bad slapstick joke. it could have been and should have been, but they way it just cut to him using it quick was pretty funny, especially after he explained all the shyt he had.

i think my least favorite MCU joke is Ant-man asking for the orange slices in Civil War. "What are those" sucked, but she's supposed to be a 16 year old girl

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Re: "What are those?"

Y'all just taught me something bc I didn't understand the reference but every time Ive watched the movie the theater literally erupts in laughter when Shuri says that and we zoom in on T'Challa sandals. I thought it was just bc of the open toes

Didn't know what she said was a vine thing. Got me feeling now :flabbynsick:
