Ok In fictional media there are tiers of strength determined by physical attributes and any other powers they have. This a rough, not at all in depth illustration.
-Regular (You and me)
-Street Level: (Batman, Captain America, Black Panther, Dr. Doom, etc would be here, "peak humans"
-Mid tier: (Spider-man, Luke Cage, Deathstroke, Deadpool, etc)
-S tier: Flash (can punch far above his weight though), Cyborg, Aquaman, Maybe Iron Man etc. Max is at Wonder Woman.
- Herald level (People who at the minimum can destroy/create planets to at the maximum destroy/create a solar system): Silver Surfer, Superman, Green Lanterns, Martian Manhunter, Thor, Hulk, Shazam, etc.
-Transcendent: Thanos.
- Skyfather (Typical gods, can create/destroy galaxies): Odin, Zeus, etc.
Abstracts (Often representative of universal principles or truths): Galactus, Death, Eternity, Oblivion, Spectre, etc.
Thanos is in the transcendent tier, you would need all of those Herald level people working together to even hope to take him down.