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We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe
They didn't know what to do with the black order. I mean how can Proxima Midnight beat the brakes off Scarlett Witch, but have trouble with Black Widow and Akoye? Also Ebony Maw was useless outside of his proclamations.

Well Widow was about to die if SW didn't intervene.

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
I swear i’ve read about 3 different supposed spoilers for Endgame. The latest one on Reddit seems pretty believable except for ONE glaring detail:

They had James Reilly (The Nova Corps cop who called Starlord “Star Prince” )character from the first “Guardians Of The Galaxy” having significant screen time like the other members of the Avengers.


All Star
Jun 24, 2012
Maven/MPire Records
Without the gauntlet or any stones for sure, even Thor would likely be.

Once again this is the MCU not the comics so power levels will not necessarily be the same.


Thor with Stormbreaker > Thanos. He got arrogant and wanted him to experience pain on some Cobra Kai -Daniel LaRusso shyt and that’s with all 6 stones.

At the same time making this flat ass bytch stronger than Thanos without the stones is annoying as Fukk. I still haven’t forgiven Disney for the ‘bait and switch’ on FINN (Star Wars) :birdman:


We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe

Thor with Stormbreaker > Thanos. He got arrogant and wanted him to experience pain on some Cobra Kai -Daniel LaRusso shyt and that’s with all 6 stones.

At the same time making this flat ass bytch stronger than Thanos without the stones is annoying as Fukk. I still haven’t forgiven Disney for the ‘bait and switch’ on FINN (Star Wars) :birdman:

When she goes Binary she will likely be the most powerful in the MCU.


We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe

From what we have seen in this Movie Universe (I can't state that enough, this is not the comics) at this moment, yes she very well could be. What's wrong with that?

She aint beating no damn Thanos by herself.
I know you all dont believe that shyt.

I surely don't think she will but I think it will take her plus the originals to defeat him, possibly with alternate versions of the infinity stones.
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Jan 1, 2014
The unknown
Lego might have inadvertently leaked part of the plot

As we gear up towards Avengers: Endgame in April 2019, it will be inevitable that leaks will occur and with LEGO it seems to be a surety these days. Perhaps it’s a way to get ahead of the news cycle but we’re given a good glimpse of what to expect for the movie ahead.

76125 Iron Man Hall of Armour – 524 pieces


Interestingly, and if memory serves us well, LEGO has never released an Iron Man Hall of Armour officially. It’s mostly been built by fans as a MOC.

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Now, we know for sure that Tony didn’t die from a lack of oxygen while adrift in space. We’re pretty sure Marvel is going to get maximum mileage out of RDJ and he’s gonna be kicking ass with a new set or even multiple sets of armour.

76131 Avengers Compound Battle – 699 pieces


We all know that Captain Marvel will save the day somehow in Avengers: Endgame and we’ve got the biggest confirmation that she’ll be going toe-to-toe with Thanos. And this time around she’ll have plenty of backup.

READ ALSO: Microsoft Studios Rebranded As Xbox Game Studios
We’re looking at round two of Hulk versus Thanos as well. Nebula will be joining the fray and she’s all geared up in the new white Avengers suits we’ve spotted them wearing over the past few months.

Pretty sure that these might be scenes that might not make it to the final movie, but still it gives us a glimpse of what to expect in 2019’s biggest superhero movie yet.

Earlier, we had seen the release of two other sets as well but none were as conclusive as this most recent release. Here’s a peek –

76124 War-Machine Buster – 362 pieces

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76126 Ultimate Quinjet – 838 pieces

76123 Captain America: Outrider Attack – 167 pieces


Sep 29, 2012
I swear i’ve read about 3 different supposed spoilers for Endgame. The latest one on Reddit seems pretty believable except for ONE glaring detail:

They had James Reilly (The Nova Corps cop who called Starlord “Star Prince” )character from the first “Guardians Of The Galaxy” having significant screen time like the other members of the Avengers.


Do you mean John C Reilly?


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
The ending of Avengers End Game has been spoiled

Captain Marvel will accuse Thanos of rape and bring him down with a lawsuit. #metoo. #marysue. #believe all women



Sep 29, 2012
Supposed leaks for the 1st and 2nd act of Endgame.

I think its probably bullshyt, you never know though.

Ultra spoilers...if true

Original text:

I have a good chunk of information regarding the first two acts of Endgame:

-The first act of the movie isn't very action heavy but moves very quickly and covers a lot of ground.

-Tony and Nebula are trapped in space.

-The whole opening is a spiritual reimagining Tony's "escape from the cave."

-He uses pieces of Nebula to repair the ship and escape to Earth.

-Title card

-Thanos is on Titan 2, alone and meditating.

-Gamora appears to speak with him. She forgives him for his actions, and apologizes for her own.

-Gamora disintegrates to reveal he's using the gauntlet to do some weird-ass puppet show for himself with the image of Gamora. This shows the audience that while damaged, the gauntlet still works.

-Ant-Man is falling through the quantum realm. He trips through time, seeing the past and future laid out before him. He sees himself becoming Ant Man, going to prison, and even gets a glimpse of his daughter years down the road.

-He tries to exit the realm as close to the present as possible but lands a couple of weeks later than intended. How convenient!

-He exits on the roof next to the van and Pym's equipment. No one is to be seen.

-After some NYC post-snap establishing shots, we catch up with Captain America and Rhodey at the Snap support meeting.

-The scene makes it clear that Cap has absolutely no intention of moving on.

-Thor has found a place for his people to live and Rocket has joined him as Rocket doesn't really have anyone else.

-Short Valkyrie cameo here. Thor wants to find Thanos ASAP and avenge the dead by killing him. Valkyrie insists it's dangerous for the Avengers to strike back before they're ready.

  • It's at this point that Rocket receives a signal from the Benatar headed toward Earth.
-He and Thor intercept the ship as it lands. Rocket is super bummed to see that everyone but Nebula is dead.

-He comments on Stark's impressive modification of the ship and the two hit it off immediatley.

-Widow and Banner speak at Avengers HQ. They still aren't really sure where they stand with each other. Steve and Rhodey eventually join the group at HQ.

-Steve and Natasha want to try to do something to avenge the dead. Rhodey and Banner are ready to give up and don't believe anything can be done.

-Tony makes a stop at home to see Pepper. He makes it clear that he needs to fix what happened and she has to accept it. He leaves.

-A computer alarm sounds at Avengers HQ and the group go to see that Fury's beacon has stopped transmitting the message that lead them to it in the first place. Marvel shows up looking for Fury and they begin to explain things to her.

-Tony, Thor, Nebula, and Rocket approach the Avengers HQ. Thor senses an Infinity Stone nearby and they prepare for a fight with Thanos as they soar into the compound.

-Marvel engages in a skirmish with the understandably trigger happy Tony and Co. before Steve, Rhodey, and Widow break up the fight.

-Thor tells the rest that Marvel gives off the same energy as an infinity stone. Banner asks her if he can take some scans.

-Tony and Steve reunite. They don't speak about their differences, and only engage in awkward small talk.

-Thor expresses his wishes to go after Thanos, and Tony doesn't think it's worth the risk. Tony explains that he wants to fix things just as badly as they all do, but that's he's made the mistake of running into things headfirst too many times and if they're going to attempt anything, it needs to be done carefully.

-The next day, Ant Man shows up at Avengers HQ. His daughter and family have all disappeared and he's freaked out.

-Rhodey makes a joke about how many people have shown up at the door in the last day.

-They tell Ant Man what happened with Thanos.

-Ant Man explains the breakthrough they had with the quantum realm. Scott is convinced that they can go back in time to change the events of the past and stop Thanos, but Tony makes it clear that changing the past drastically is too dangerous.

-Ant Man is hysterical and begs Tony to try anything, telling him about how he saw his older daughter in the quantum realm and believes that some reality where she is alive must exist. This strikes a chord with Tony.

-Banner finished analyzing his scans of Marvel and speaks with Tony. He tells him that Captain Marvel is almost a perfect replica of an infinity stone herself (even more powerful than Scarlett Witch,) and this leads Tony to the idea that he may be able to replicate the stones with the right tech. This would enable them to retrieve the stones in the past without drastically upsetting space/time.

-Tony goes to Wakanda with Banner, Marvel, Rocket, Nebula, and Rhodey to look into some of Shuri's research and her scans of Vision.

-They are able to get some useful information that will help them create something to control the stones.

-M'Baku pledges to help them should the need arise. Tony asks him to continue using their tech to help the world deal with the repercussions of the snap.

-The rest of the group go look for Clint. They run into him showing off his new combat skills as Ronin. They manage to recruit him.

-On Titan 2, Thanos has another conversation with young soul stone Gamora. She shows him all of the souls he snapped.

-Now the group begin to plan their assault on Thanos.

-The plan is to copy each of the stones in the past via the quantum realm and form a new gauntlet.

-The info from Shuri's computer helps them understand how to build a receptacle for the stones.

-Captain Marvel's composition helps them understand how to copy the stones.

-Once they get the new gauntlet, they will undo the snap and then attempt to kill Thanos to keep him from doing more damage.

-Ant Man will help one team enter the quantum realm and Marvel will help the other team pass through it.

-We get a timeskip montage that brings us into the second act of the film. They aren't explicit about how long the skip is, but it isn't nearly as long as other leaks have suggested. Maybe a few weeks max.

-In the montage, Tony reworks some old tech with Banner and Rocker to make devices for copying the stones. They also make suits for everyone. We get a sneak peak at the War Buster Armor. Cap gets his shield back.

-Before they set off, there are some character moments.

-Thor and Ronin discuss the loss of their families.

-Natasha and Banner talk about Banner being unable to summon Hulk.

-Tony and Steve have an awkward conversation about working together again.

-The team heads out in two groups. One will get the Space and Mind stones, and one will get the Reality and Power stones. They will regroup after that and move onto the final two stones.

-Space and Mind: Tony, Ant Man, War Machine, Natasha, Banner. Battle of NYC. The Tesseract is in plain sight, mind stone is literally inside Stark tower at one point with only Loki defending it.

-Banner is tasked with copying the Tesseract while Natasha and War Machine help defend it.

-Banner struggles to bring out the Hulk still and Natasha tries to help coax him out but is unsuccessful.

-Tony and Ant Man go after Loki and the scepter, running into past Cap, who they have a brief comedic interaction with.

-They disarm Loki immediately after his conversation with Past Tony and copy the scepter before giving it back to him, much to his surprise (evacuating the situation after copying stones to the shock of past characters becomes a bit of a running joke.)

-Banner comes face to face with the past Hulk after Hulk saves him from some Chitauri. They share a silent state amd Banner has some kind of visible mental epiphany.

-With both stones copied, they ditch the city, much to the confusion of the old Avengers.

-Reality and Power: Thor, Cap, Marvel, Rocket, Clint, and Nebula. Rocket and Thor's combined knowledge tell them that there were two stones on Nowhere at one time.

-They intercept the Guardians showing the stone to the Collector and demand he bring them the Reality Stone.

-He brings them to the massive receptacle he keeps the reality stone in and they prepare to copy the stones.

-Unfortunately for them, they still need to deal with Ronan. Rocket figures that preventing him from showing up entirely will affect time/space too much.

-Marvel, Thor, Rocket, and Nebula fight alongside the past Guardians to hold back Ronan's army while the stones are copied, mostly playing defense so as not to change the past too much.

-Ronin and Cap defend the stones up close.

-They manage to copy the stones and abandon the Guardians, much to their confusion.

-During the copying scenes, we see Thanos on Titan 2. While the stones are being copied, the stones in his gauntlet begin to flicker as if they're being activiated. Thanos notices this and puts on the gauntlet. He pauses for a moment and says "Stark."

-The group meet back at HQ. On the way through the Quantum Realm, Tony sees that he and Pepper have a daughter in the future. They repair equipment and Cap congratulates Tony on a clever plan. They send Thor and Cap to go find Wong for the next phase of the plan.

-Natasha and Banner discuss Hulk. Banner realizes that he hasn't been appreciate of the Hulk saving his ass and treats him like a child.

-Tony goes home to see Pepper before they finish the mission. He's attacked by several Outriders at his home.

-He kills them and rushes back to HQ.

-Cap and Thor are also attacked while recruiting Wong.

-Everyone returns to HQ. Thanos attacks.

-Thanos is kicking ass. Marvel holds her own. Banner manages to Hulk out and evens the odds.

-Wong tricks Thanos and traps him in an alternate dimension. He's clear that it won't hold Thanos for long.

-The group begin hunting the last two infinity stones after this. Unsure what happens past this point.
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