aren't them dudes top tier henchmen tho? And not low level goons?
Thought they got recruited cause they aren't pushovers
I don't think the rapist was a part of Brick's crew.
Just watched this episode. Man, Laurel was stumbling and bumbling around

as Black n Blue Canary. I give the show props for making it realistic though as she really hasn't went thru any training. You think the way Team Arrow was taking L's, she would have called up Wildcat to come out of retirement. Didn't homeboy live in the Glades? Agreed with the fact that Diggle should have been out there fighting too, it made sense at the end because he was piloting the chopper, but not earlier. Also this not telling Quintin about Sara is starting to get ridiculous. Doesn't she know the longer she waits, the worse it will hurt? Dude just wants to get Shrimp Lo Mein and Crab Ragoon with his daughter

Roy trying to step to Malcolm

. Thea thinking they can handle Ras, if she only knew

Next week it looked like Oliver might come back wearing that 45 though. For Starling's sake it can't be soon enough.