Warrior Lifestyle
[3] Cardiovascular:
Durabolin can have a negative effect on cholesterol, especially HDL suppression. The potential negative effect on cholesterol caused by Nandrolone is slightly greater than testosterone. The same negative effect will also be enhanced and could potentially greatly skew your HDL and LDL levels when conjoined with the use of an AI. Due to the possible cholesterol issues, maintaining a healthy diet that is cholesterol friendly and rich in omega fatty acids is highly important. Including plenty of cardiovascular activity is also advised. It will be important that you keep a close eye on your cholesterol during and after use. This is by no means the unfriendliest anabolic steroid to cholesterol, most oral steroids are far more potentially damaging, but keeping an eye on your levels is part of responsible supplementation.
[4] Testosterone:
Of the possible side effects of Durabolin, there is only one that is absolutely guaranteed in all men who use it, natural testosterone suppression. This is a trait shared by all anabolic steroids, and while the rate of suppression can vary greatly depending on the steroid in question, with Nandrolone it will be very strong. Genetics, diet, and any stories you may have heard will not change this. If you supplement with the Nandrolone hormone you will greatly suppress your natural testosterone production. Some data has shown a single 100mg injection to suppress all production. Other studies have shown low dose use to suppress as much as 2/3rd total serum levels. In either case, both represent a low testosterone condition.
Due to the strong rate of suppression, those who use Durabolin (excluding females) should always include exogenous testosterone. This will ensure your body has the testosterone it needs, avoids the numerous possible low testosterone symptoms and greatly protect your health. Many will also find Nandrolone works very well with testosterone during periods of off-season growth. Once all Durabolin is discontinued along with all anabolic steroids, natural testosterone production will begin again. During this time it is advised that the individual implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan in order to speed up the process. A PCT plan will often include SERM’s like Clomid and Nolvadex as well as HCG. The PCT plan will not return your natural levels back to normal but it will stimulate natural production and ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise. Important notes on natural testosterone recovery post Durabolin use. Natural testosterone recovery assumes no severe damage was done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to improper use. Natural recovery also assumes there was no prior low testosterone condition prior to Durabolin or anabolic steroid use
Durabolin can have a negative effect on cholesterol, especially HDL suppression. The potential negative effect on cholesterol caused by Nandrolone is slightly greater than testosterone. The same negative effect will also be enhanced and could potentially greatly skew your HDL and LDL levels when conjoined with the use of an AI. Due to the possible cholesterol issues, maintaining a healthy diet that is cholesterol friendly and rich in omega fatty acids is highly important. Including plenty of cardiovascular activity is also advised. It will be important that you keep a close eye on your cholesterol during and after use. This is by no means the unfriendliest anabolic steroid to cholesterol, most oral steroids are far more potentially damaging, but keeping an eye on your levels is part of responsible supplementation.
[4] Testosterone:
Of the possible side effects of Durabolin, there is only one that is absolutely guaranteed in all men who use it, natural testosterone suppression. This is a trait shared by all anabolic steroids, and while the rate of suppression can vary greatly depending on the steroid in question, with Nandrolone it will be very strong. Genetics, diet, and any stories you may have heard will not change this. If you supplement with the Nandrolone hormone you will greatly suppress your natural testosterone production. Some data has shown a single 100mg injection to suppress all production. Other studies have shown low dose use to suppress as much as 2/3rd total serum levels. In either case, both represent a low testosterone condition.
Due to the strong rate of suppression, those who use Durabolin (excluding females) should always include exogenous testosterone. This will ensure your body has the testosterone it needs, avoids the numerous possible low testosterone symptoms and greatly protect your health. Many will also find Nandrolone works very well with testosterone during periods of off-season growth. Once all Durabolin is discontinued along with all anabolic steroids, natural testosterone production will begin again. During this time it is advised that the individual implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan in order to speed up the process. A PCT plan will often include SERM’s like Clomid and Nolvadex as well as HCG. The PCT plan will not return your natural levels back to normal but it will stimulate natural production and ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise. Important notes on natural testosterone recovery post Durabolin use. Natural testosterone recovery assumes no severe damage was done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to improper use. Natural recovery also assumes there was no prior low testosterone condition prior to Durabolin or anabolic steroid use