Creflo ½ Dollar
Is this shyt legal legal? I’m overseas deployed so I ain’t trying to get caught up on some questionable shyt..
It's legal for now until the FDA comes in and ban itIs this shyt legal legal? I’m overseas deployed so I ain’t trying to get caught up on some questionable shyt..
It's legal for now until the FDA comes in and ban it
Got a cycle for free coming in, It will be Test E, Tren E, Anadrall and Clen![]()
Is this shyt legal legal? I’m overseas deployed so I ain’t trying to get caught up on some questionable shyt..
If you are deployed I'll pretty much tell you for a fact all of this stuff SARMS, Prohoromones, designer steroids etc are all off limits and that's to include Cardarine, SR9009, and MK-677, Peptides as well basically anything that works. If you are in a deployed environment I wouldn't recommend doing it because i know those pac clerks have to inspect x percent of the mail and you may have a snitch ass roommate or people in your tent.
Yea preciate the heads up. They do be all in people shyt out here frfr.
Word on the street a dude got fired out here because he ordered steroids or some shyt. Idk exactly what he ordered but still shyt sketchy. I just thought prohormones would be legal![]()
Yeah it is, I ran before, I was holding lots of water and BP went up alsoyou know anadrol is really wet...I use it as a pre-workout sometimes...fukks with my Blood pressure so I stay away from it and i hate clen gives me the shakes and makes me too dry. Could you have gotten albuterol?
No you don't but it would not hurt, you have to at least running 8 to 12 weeksDo you need a pct with that? Or do you take them once a day until the bottle is gone
Solid fukkin Cycle and programThe day this semester is over I'm starting my Test E, Mast E, and T-bol cycle for my summer cut. Last yr I cycled and I was a beast an in the best shape of life.
600 mg of Test E for 15 weeks
400 mg of Mast E for 10 weeks
20-40mg of T-bol for 40 days
Low Carb High Protein
Protein Shake
Low Carb Salad
4 Miles a day 5x's a week
1hr 30mins of lifting 5x's a week
Chest/Legs/Back/Arms/Abs Split up
Yeah Anavar is a good cutting agent, that tren and Anavar will get you thereI’ve done testalone, ligandrol, yk 11 pretty much all the sarms. I’m trying to move on to something stronger for an upcoming deployment. I have Tren it I’m sitting on that until bulking season. Is Anavar a good cutting agent? Can someone point me in the right direction to where to get some? Thanks I’m advance