The Official Anabolic Thread


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Anadrol (Oxymetholone)

  • (Oxymetholone)
  • [17 beta-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-androstan-3-one]
  • Molecular Weight: 332.482
  • Molecular Formula: C 21 H 32 O 3
  • Melting Point: 178-180C
  • Manufacturer: Syntex (Originally)
  • Release Date: 1960
  • Effective Dose: 100mgs (optimal)
  • Active Life: <16hours
  • Detection Time: up to 8 weeks
  • Androgenic: Anabolic Ratio: 45:320
Androgenic: 45
Anabolic: 320
Standard:Methyltestosterone (oral)
Chemical Names: 2-hydroxymethylene-17a-methyl-dihydrotestosterone, 4,5-dihydro-2-hydroxymethylene-17-alpha-methyltestosterone, 17alpha-methyl-2-hydroxymethylene-17-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one
Estrogenic Activity: high
Progestational Activity:not significant

Anadrol (commonly called by athletes "A50" or "A-bombs") was initially developed as a compound to help people with anemia, and has since been used very successfully to aid people who are suffering from many other diseases where weight loss is a concern. Thus, it is clearly an effective agent for promoting weight gain, increasing appetite, gaining strength, and increasing Red Blood Cell count. And, as with most Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (AAS), it has its downsides as well. Anadrol 50 will inhibit your body's natural production of hormones (testosterone, etc ), will negatively affect your blood lipid profile, can cause water retention, is notorious for causing headaches, and is also highly liver toxic (in fact, it has the worst reputation for hepatoxicity out of all steroids). Paradoxically, although one the benefits touted by its original manufacturer (Syntex) is that it can be used to stimulate weight gain through increasing appetite, taking too much may actually inhibit your appetite!

Oxymetholone is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid commercially available. A steroid novice experimenting with this agent is likely to gain 20 to 30 pounds of massive bulk, and it can often be accomplished within 6 weeks of use. This steroid produces a lot of water retention, so a good portion of this gain is going to be water weight. This is often of little consequence to the user, who may be feeling very big and strong while taking oxymetholone. Although the smooth look that results from water retention is often not attractive, it can aid quite a bit to the level of size and strength gained. The muscle is fuller, will contract better, and is provided a level of protection in the form of extra water held into and around connective tissues. This will allow for more elasticity, and will hopefully decrease the chance for injury when lifting heavy. It should be noted, however, that a very rapid gain in mass might also place too much stress on your connective tissues. The tearing of pectoral and biceps tissue is commonly associated with heavy lifting while massing up on steroids, and oxymetholone is a common offender. There can be such a thing as gaining too fast.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Anadrol Effects on Body
I think, in order to gain a complete understanding of the Anadrol 50 effects on body, we need to take a look at its advantages contrasted with its disadvantages. Anadrol is a DHT-derived compound, and is 17-Alpha-Alkylated steroid, meaning that it has been altered at the 17th carbon position to survive oral ingestion. Most oral steroids are 17aa, and this helps them make it through your liver in a useful form. Sounds great, right? Lets 17alpha-alkylate everything! Well as you can imagine, there's a down side.

Anadrol Side Effects
This 17aa alteration, which makes it possible for Anadrol to survive its first pass through your liver, also makes it very taxing on your liver. How taxing is Anadrol and how much weight can you gain from its use? Well, there was a 30 week study done on Anadrol and, as you can expect, a reasonable amount of side effects were noted. The fact that Anadrol causes some side effects has really never been in debate. But how effective was the drug? Well, first it should be mentioned that this study was done on people with AIDS related wasting, and they actually gained weight (8+kg) while the control group lost weight, and had increased mortality rates. (1). I suppose, if you're in a study because you have a wasting disease which is also a terminal illness, you don't want to end up in the control group. Anyway, weight gain in this study peaked at 19-20 weeks, though, so the last 10 weeks weren't very productive in this respect. Clearly, you wouldn't want to run Anadrol 50 for 20 weeks, given its toxicity, but after that, any effect in terms of weight and strength gains would be negligible. So, with regards to sides from Anadrol, and the sheer fact that this study lasted so long (30 weeks), it should be apparent that they can be kept under control and the drug can be used safely. People are commonly told to limit their intake of Anadrol to 4 weeks or less I'm a bit less conservative and think you can easily run Anadrol for 6 weeks or more.

From personal experience, however, I can tell you that gains from Anadrol are quite dramatic for the first 3 weeks and then quickly level off. Unfortunately, I find that the side effects experienced from Anadrol (which include a headache, bloating, elevated blood pressure, and a general "unwell" feeling for me) remain for the entire duration of use. But I find as usual, side effects for this drug are pretty much half legend and half truth. Since Anadrol 50 is derived from DHT, it cant actually convert to estrogen (via the aromatase enzyme), and its not a progestin or a compound with progestenic activity so the estrogenic (?) side effects produced by it are of a very mysterious nature. It has been speculated that perhaps it can stimulate the estrogen receptor without actually being converted to estrogen and that's about as plausible an explanation as Ive heard. However, things really get strange, when Oxymetholone has been used in studies to alter the female reproductive/menstrual cycle; in those cases, it has lowered plasma progesterone levels! (7)One would expect that an AI (aromatase inhibitor) wouldn't be of much use with this drug, but many have found that Letrozole (which has, in some cases been shown to reduce estrogen in the body to an undetectable amount)(6) can greatly reduce or even eliminate many of the more noticeable side effects of Anadrol, such as the bloating.

As I've stated, however, the sides from this drug are certainly no joke, but are easily preventable, and controllable. One study even showed very few sides for subjects using up to 100mgs of Oxymetholone (2). In the original UnderGround Steroid Hand Book, Dan Duchaine states that he used it at doses up to 150mgs/day. Clearly, Anadrol's hepatoxicity has been a bit exaggerated, in some circles. Be that as it may, my suggestion is still to limit Anadrol's use to 6 weeks, at a maximum even if just to err on the side of caution. Of course, I have personally run this drug for much longer..

How should we use Anadrol? Id probably be willing to include Anadrol in a cycle including injectable steroids, but not other 17aa compounds. Id make any 6-week-run of this compound begin at the start of a cycle, as a form of "jumpstart" towards seeing gains quickly. The quick gains you will get from Anadrol (up to a pound per day for the first 2 weeks are not uncommon in members) are also just as quick to disappear upon cessation of use .unless you are simply using it as a kickstarter, while waiting for your other compounds to kick-in. Ill go out on a limb here and say that utilizing Anadrol as a "Jumpstart" is the most popular use of this drug for athletes and bodybuilders today. Ill also say that this drug is immensely popular with strength athletes who dont have to worry about weight classes (Field athletes and strongmen), and with powerlifters in the heavier weight brackets. Its also important to note that in one study by Schroder et. Al (2) Anadrol showed that it has the ability to lower serum SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin which binds to your free test and makes it no longer useful for anabolism, among other things) concentrations by 54.9 25.8 and 45 16.2 nmol/l in the 50- and 100-mg treatment groups. This means there will be more free test circulating around your body when you take this drug and clearly, this would produce some synergy when stacked with other steroids. Given the large amounts of weight and strength which can be gained in a relatively short time span on this drug, I'm sure this comes as no surprise to many.

Another important and often understated characteristic of this compound is that Oxymetholone doesn't bind well to the androgen receptor (Relative Binding Affinity = too low to be determined) (3) which is the lowest Ive ever read about. Basically, what this tells me is that there are a lot of non-receptor mediated effects from this steroid, making it a very potent addition to ANY BULKING stack, because it wont be competing for the receptor sites with the other steroids you're using. Its also, as you may have guessed a very poor choice for a cutting stack.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Side Effects (Estrogenic):
Oxymetholone is a highly estrogenic steroid. Gynecomastia is often a concern during treatment, and may present itself quite early into a cycle (particularly when higher doses are used). At the same time water retention can become a problem, causing a notable loss of muscle definition as both subcutaneous water retention and fat levels build. To avoid strong estrogenic side effects, it may be necessary to use an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex® or Clomid®.

It is important to note that oxymetholone does not directly convert to estrogen in the body. This steroid is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, and as such cannot be aromatized. Anti-aromatase compounds such as Cytadren and Arimidex® will, likewise, not effect the relative estrogenicity of this steroid. Some have suggested that the high level of estrogenic activity in oxymetholone is actually due to the drug acting as a progestin, similar to nandrolone. The side effects of both estrogens and progestins can be very similar, which might have made this explanation a plausible one. There was a medical study examining the progestational activity of oxymetholone, however, and it determined that there was no such activity present.386 With such findings, it seems most plausible that oxymetholone can activate the estrogen receptor, similar to, but more profoundly than, the estrogenic androgen methandriol.

Side Effects (Androgenic):
Although oxymetholone is classified as an anabolic steroid, androgenic side effects are still possible with this substance. These may include bouts of oily skin, acne, and body/facial hair growth. Higher doses are more likely to cause such side effects. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also aggravate male pattern hair loss. Women are additionally warned of the potential virilizing effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids. These may include a deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. While Anadrol is classified as an anabolic steroid, it does retain a notable androgenic component.

It is interesting to note that oxymetholone does exhibit some tendency to convert to dihydrotestosterone in the body, although this does not occur via the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. Oxymetholone is already a dihydrotestosterone-based steroid, so no such alteration can take place. Aside from the added c-17 alpha alkylation (discussed below), oxymetholone differs from DHT only by the addition of a 2-hydroxymethylene group. This grouping can be removed metabolically, reducing oxymetholone to the potent androgen 17alpha-methyl dihydrotestosterone (mestanolone).387There is little doubt that this biotransformation contributes at least on some level to the androgenic nature of this steroid. Note that since 5-alpha reductase is not involved, the relative androgenicity of oxymetholone is not affected by the concurrent use of finasteride or dutasteride.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Side Effects (Hepatotoxicity):
Anadrol is a c17-alpha alkylated compound. This alteration protects the drug from deactivation by the liver, allowing a very high percentage of the drug entry into the bloodstream following oral administration. C17-alpha alkylated anabolic/androgenic steroids can be hepatotoxic. Prolonged or high exposure may result in liver damage. In rare instances life-threatening dysfunction may develop. It is advisable to visit a physician periodically during each cycle to monitor liver function and overall health. Intake of c17-alpha alkylated steroids is commonly limited to 6-8 weeks, in an effort to avoid escalating liver strain.

Oxymetholone has a saturated A-ring, which slightly reduces its relative hepatotoxicity.388 Still, this agent, particularly at the doses commonly used, can present substantial hepatotoxicity to the user. Studies administering 50 mg or 100 mg daily to 31 elderly men for 12 weeks produced significant increases in liver enzymes (transaminases AST and ALT) only in patients taking 100 mg. A second study administering 50 mg daily to 30 patients for up to and exceeding one year (in some patients) has demonstrated elevations in y-glutamyltransferase (GGT) in 17% of patients, significant increases in bilirubin in 10%, and serum albumin increases in 20%.389 One patient developed a liver tumor that could have been peliosis hepatitis, a life-threatening adverse event characterized by blood filled cysts in the liver. A small number of other cases of peliosis hepatitis have been linked to oxymetholone, suggesting the potential for hepatotoxicity should still be carefully considered before use.

The use of a liver detoxification supplement such as Liver Stabil, Liv-52, or Essentiale Forte is advised while taking any hepatotoxic anabolic/androgenic steroids.

Side Effects (Cardiovascular):
Anabolic/androgenic steroids can have deleterious effects on serum cholesterol. This includes a tendency to reduce HDL (good) cholesterol values and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values, which may shift the HDL to LDL balance in a direction that favors greater risk of arteriosclerosis. The relative impact of an anabolic/androgenic steroid on serum lipids is dependant on the dose, route of administration (oral vs. injectable), type of steroid (aromatizable or non-aromatizable), and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and support left ventricular hypertrophy, all potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction.

Oxymetholone has a strong effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol due to its structural resistance to liver breakdown and route of administration. Studies administering 50 mg or 100 mg daily to a group of elderly men for 12 weeks have demonstrated insignificant increases in LDL cholesterol, accompanied by very significant (dramatic) suppressions of HDL cholesterol (reduced 19 and 23 points in the 50 mg and 100 mg groups, respectively).390 The use of oxymetholone should be undertaken only after careful consideration in people with high cholesterol or a familial history of heart disease.

To help reduce cardiovascular strain it is advised to maintain an active cardiovascular exercise program and minimize the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates at all times during active AAS administration. Supplementing with fish oils (4 grams per day) and a natural cholesterol/antioxidant formula such as Lipid Stabil or a product with comparable ingredients is also recommended.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Side Effects (Testosterone Suppression):
All anabolic/androgenic steroids when taken in doses sufficient to promote muscle gain are expected to suppress endogenous testosterone production. Without the intervention of testosterone stimulating substances, testosterone levels should return to normal within 1-4 months of drug secession. Note that prolonged hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism can develop secondary to steroid abuse, necessitating medical intervention.

Note that when discontinuing Anadrol, the crash can be as equally powerful as the on-cycle results. To begin with, the level of water retention will quickly diminish, dropping the user’s body weight dramatically. This should be expected, and not of much concern. What is usually of most concern is restoring endogenous testosterone production with a proper PCT program (see: Post Cycle Therapy). Before going off, some alternately choose to first switch over to a milder injectable like Deca-Durabolin® for several weeks. This is in an effort to “harden up the new mass,”and can prove to be an effective practice, at least from a mental standpoint. A drop of weight is likely when making the switch, although the end result is still often viewed as allowing the retention of more (quality) muscle mass. It is sort of stepping down, first off the water retention, and weeks later finally off the hormones. Remember ancillaries though, as testosterone production will not be rebounding during Deca therapy.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Administration (General):
Studies have shown that taking an oral anabolic steroid with food may decrease its bioavailability.408 This is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones, which can allow some of the drug to dissolve with undigested dietary fat, reducing its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. For maximum utilization, this steroid should be taken on an empty stomach.

Administration (Men):
Early prescribing guidelines for oxymetholone recommended a dosage of 2.5 mg three times per day to reverse the wasting process and provide lean body mass gain. Doses as high as 30 mg were employed in some cases. Current prescribing guidelines recommend a dosage of 1-5 mg per kilogram of bodyweight per day for treating anemia, although indicate that a dose of 1-2 mg/kg is typically sufficient. A 175-pound person would take approximately 150 mg per day at the 2 mg/kg dosage level. In some other countries, it is recommended to limit the dosing of oxymetholone to 100 mg per day. Therapy is usually given for a minimum of three to six months. When used for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes, an effective oral daily dosage would fall in the range of 25-150 mg, taken in cycles lasting no more than 6-8 weeks to minimize hepatotoxicity. This level is sufficient for dramatic increases in muscle mass and strength. Higher doses are rarely administered due to the strong estrogenic nature of the drug, as well as the high potential for hepatotoxicity. When used for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes, an effective oral daily dosage would fall in the range of 25-150 mg, taken in cycles lasting no more than 6-8 weeks to minimize hepatotoxicity. This level is sufficient for dramatic increases in muscle mass and strength. Higher doses are rarely administered due to the strong estrogenic nature of the drug, as well as the high potential for hepatotoxicity.

Administration (Women):
Prescribing information for oxymetholone in the U.S. makes no distinction with the dose for females. Oxymetholone is generally not recommended for women for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes due to its very strong nature and tendency to produce virilizing side effects


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Anadrol Cycles
What is an Anadrol Cycle? How much should you use? Well, this is actually one of the most interesting facts about Anadrol 50. You see, most steroids produce what we call a "dose respondent curve" which is a fancy way of saying "the more you use, the more you gain."

Anadrol is one of the few steroids where the dose respondent curve flattens out very quickly. When you take 50mgs of Anadrol, you'll make some very good gains. When you take 100mgs of Anadrol, you'll make even more gains. However, it has been found that 100mgs/day is as effective for weight gain as 150mgs/day but produces less side effects and was less toxic (4). I feel that the jump from 50mgs to 100mgs constitutes an acceptable rise in benefit vs. cost, but this is not the case as dosages get over 100mgs. Now, lets see how 50mgs and 100mgs of Oxymetholone actually effect strength, when compared with each other:

Relative (%) changes in strength are shown for the groups receiving placebo (filled bars), 50 mg/day oxymetholone (open bars), and 100 mg/day oxymetholone (gray bars). Nos. above bars represent relative change (%) from baseline to week 12 for the 1-repetition maximum tests of strength. Error bars represent 1 SE from the mean. * Significant difference from placebo, P < 0.05; significant difference from placebo by Wilcoxon test, P < 0.02. See text for additional statistical analyses.

As you can see, in this study, doubling the dose of Anadrol 50 nearly doubled the strength gains of the test subjects. Now, when we look at changes in body composition from Oxymetholone (chart below) we can see that although the guys taking the 100mgs (vs. the 50mgs group) had more fat lost and more Lean Body Mass gained, it wasn't as dramatic as the differences in strength gains between the two groups:

Changes in body composition are shown for the groups receiving placebo (filled bars), 50 mg of oxymetholone per day (open bars), and 100 mg per day (gray bars). Numbers above the bars represent the mean absolute changes and the error bars are 1 SE. For total lean body mass (LBM) and total fat, differences among the 3 groups were significant (P < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA). * Significant differences from placebo, P 0.001.

Although I am usually not inclined to posit speculations on why a particular drug does or doesn't do something, in this case I will. Im guessing that the higher doses of Anadrol cause enough appetite suppression (at least anecdotally) to make eating rather difficult. It can also increase insulin resistance and glucose intolerance (5). This has the effect of making macronutrient absorption more inefficient, and could also be a factor in reducing gains when the dosage goes over 100mgs/day. Unfortunately, Anadrol also has a reasonably profound effect on your body's natural hormonal system, on par with most other oral steroids, but not as bad as most injectables, and its certainly not as harsh on your lipid profile as many anabolics are


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Anadrol Body Building
(2). As an interesting side note, some of the medical literature on this compound suggests a dose of 1-5mgs per kg of bodyweight. Ill pause a second here for you to figure out how absurdly high of a dose that would translate to for the average bodybuilder!

To Buy Anadrol Liquiad Anadrol and others

This steroid is very available on the black market in the form of capsules, tablets (some are even 75mgs!), liquid, and even paper. Prices will vary, and be indicative of many different factors including the form you buy this compound in (paper will usually be the most expensive, and liquid the least), and where you live. In any case, you shouldnt be paying more than $2.50-3.00 per 50mgs.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I used Anadrol before and that shyt put Mass on you quick, I gained 10 pounds on my first week and my strength went up, I was going up in weight in the gym so fast that my muscle didn't catch up and slightly tore my tricep on the Tricep Extension Machine:mjlol:
Last edited:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Post Injection Pain? Causes and Solutions

by Staff Writer

It is very common for someone to experience pain after injecting either underground lab or pharmaceutical grade drugs and it always leaves people wondering what the causes are. I will try to explain the 3 major causes of this pain and give advice on how to avoid it.

The glutes are mostly free of lymph nodes but if one is hit it can be very painful.

The first cause of post injection pain is when you hit the lymphatic system with your needle. Even though it is still very rare, it should still nonetheless be mentioned. The lymphatic system is as intensive as the circulatory system, but the problem is that the standard injection sights such as the medial delts, Glute, vastus lateralis and ventro-glute, are basically void of lymphatic nodes and if a lymph node is hit with an injection, the pain is surely to be severe, the edema vast and the swelling will come on both very fast and severe. The pain is also likely to pass along the lymph system to the next lymph gland. This happens more often with a vastus lateralis shot where the swelling tracks down toward the back of the knee. And unlike the edema experienced with tissue irritation, which happens only with the muscle, the edema with a lymphatic puncture will be both inter and intra-muscular with a moderate amount of swelling just underneath the skin, which will give it a softer puffy feel and can simply be tested by pressing the swollen area with your finger. If an indentation does remain, you have a more systematic edema and more than just local tissue irritations. The other most obvious difference is that the swelling should neither be warm or hot to the touch.

It is recommended to use ice and ibuprofen to help with this. Also note that the affected area must be rested as the patient can expect pain and swelling to start to disperse after 72 hours and last at least 10 days. Be mindful that painful areas must not be massaged.

The second cause of post injection pain is tissue irritation. This is perhaps the most likely cause of post injection pain and the least serious. Tissue irritation is likely to start 12-24 hours after injection and pain can be mild to moderate depending on the level of tissue irritation and the amount injected. The injection site is likely to swell within the muscle, perhaps red and likely to be warm and very firm to the touch. The swelling and pain will start to subside after 72 hours and can last over a week in the most severe cases. Its important to note that the most likely causes of tissue irritation are when the steroid hormone crashes out of the solution in the depot as this causes crystallization of the steroid hormone and this in turn places a lot of pressure on the nerve endings in the muscle belly which causes pain, knotting and swelling. This is most common in long chain esters, high mg/ml concentration anabolic steroids and steroids compounded with less than an ideal oil blend. Another cause can be a reaction to the acid compounds within the ester. This happens when the metabolic breakdown of the ester attached to the hormone free form acids, which are released, which in step cause the muscle tissue to become rapidly irritated at the injection site. This is most common with propionic acid of the propionate ester as well as poor quality raw materials also liberate more freeform acids.

Another cause can be excessive preservative or when too much benzyl alcohol is used to formulate the solution inflammation and as a result pain may result. Pharmaceutical grade usually contains 0.9% benzyl alcohol. Common underground lab products contain on average 2%. Also keep in mind that anything above 1.2% offers no added anti-microbial effects. Due to water soluble nature of benzyl alcohol, tissue irritation of this nature has been known to travel as the excessive alcohol disperses via the blood stream. This is most common with injection into the quads, or the vastus lateralis as the pain travels down toward the knee. Ice and ibuprofen may help with the swelling as well as hot baths, showers and massage of the injection site as this may help to distribute the injection and reduce pain.

Inflammation due to irritation is the most common cause of post injection pain.

The thirdcause of post injection pain is an infection and abscess in the injection site, which can be the most serious causes of injection pain. An infection will start in the same manner as tissue irritation with local pain and swelling, with heat and redness around the muscle. The major difference is that after 72 hours tissue irritation should start to lessen and if the area is indeed infected this pain and swelling will get worse. The swelling will change in nature becoming more systematic and edema will start to form under the skin and become softer and spongier.

Please note that there are many reasons why an infection can manifest (like poor injection technique) so you must make sure the injection site and rubber stopper is clean and swabbed with an alcohol wipe.

Make sure your gear is properly sanitized to avoid infections at your injection sites.

Also, the moisture from the alcohol swab should be allowed to dry before preparing to inject. It is extremely rare but if the alcohol is not allowed to dry, the bacterium has not been allowed sufficient time to be killed off. If this partly destroyed bacterium was then pushed into a muscle through an inter-muscular injection the bacterium can evolve into a superbug. Always be sure to use a clean and new syringe barrel and pin and not allow the pin to touch anything before you inject. Also avoid pinning through a hair follicle or hair and try not to inject too quickly as injecting too quickly can increase the risk of infection as this in turn increases injection trauma.

Another cause of infection is not rotating injection sites. The risk of infection is massively increased if the same injection site is used over and over again without giving it time to recover. The more an injury is irritated the more likely it is to become infected.

The last cause of infection can be contaminated drugs. In my opinion this is probably the least common cause of infection with oil-based injections so be sure to use reputable underground labs or pharmaceutical sources and avoid water-based suspensions.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Week 2 - Pinned 300mg in my Right Delt of Test Sus, Easy Pin, slight pain

With this only being my 3rd pin, I notice the sense of well being

Today is Chest Day


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Kansas City Royals Outfielder Jorge Bonifacio Tested Positive for Equipoise
Kansas City Royals Outfielder Jorge Bonifacio Tested Positive for Equipoise
Jorge Bonifacio, a Major League Baseball (MLB) player with the Kansas City Royals, has been suspended for 80 games after testing positive for a banned performance-enhancing drug (PED) in violation of the MLB Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. The prohibited substance in question was the anabolic steroid boldenone (aka Equipoise).

The MLB Office of the Commissioner announced Bonifacio’s suspension on March 10, 2018. Bonifacio’s suspension won’t officially beging until the start of the 2018 regular season on March 29, 2018. Bonifacio is permitted to continue working out with his teammates at the 2018 Spring Training Camp in Phoenix.

Royals manager Ned Yost was sickened to learn that Bonifacio was suspended. Bonifacio impressed a lot of people last year and was expected to be a starter for the Royals this year.

"Of course, it was a shock," Yost said. "Jorge Bonifacio is one of the finest young guys we've got on this team. I don't know the details. I still don't. But it was very shocking when Dayton told me this was happening.

"It really made me kind of sick to my stomach a little bit, because he is such a neat kid and a big part of our team. But we'll get through it. It's 80 games and we'll continue to support him and make sure this never happens again. Like I said, I'm not sure exactly the circumstances, but I'm sure that it'll all come to light here soon."

Bonifacio was signed as an international free agent by the Royals organization in 2009. Bonifacio moved around among several Minor League Baseball (MiLB) teams over the next few years including the Kane County Cougars (Class A Midwest League), Wilmington Blue Rocks (Class A-Advanced Carolina League), Northwest Arkansas Naturals (Class AA Texas League) and the Omaha Storm Chasers (Class AAA Pacific Coast League).

Bonifacio made his MLB debut for the Royals on April 21, 2017. By his second game, he had already recorded his first MLB home run. He ended the season with 17 home runs, 40 RBIs and a hitting average of 0.255 during 113 games.

Three other MLB players have been suspended for the 2018 MLB season so far. They include Houston Astros pitcher Dean Deetz (Oral Turinabol), Washington Nationals catcher Raudy Read (boldenone) and Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Nik Turley (ipamorelin).
