The Official Anabolic Thread


Apr 30, 2012
Turinabol is one anabolic that i didn’t see a thing from I get better results from SARMs the only orals that work out for me are Winstrol/anadrol/proviron


Apr 30, 2012
I’ve been dosing my sustanon twice a 125mg a pop...But man believe me when I tell you that this Tren cycle I’m on is wrecking my cardio but it’s leaning me out...I may end up cutting the Tren out after this week (cut it to a 4 week cycle)...

Week 2 - Pinned 300mg in my Right Delt of Test Sus, Easy Pin, slight pain

With this only being my 3rd pin, I notice the sense of well being

Today is Chest Day


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I’ve been dosing my sustanon twice a 125mg a pop...But man believe me when I tell you that this Tren cycle I’m on is wrecking my cardio but it’s leaning me out...I may end up cutting the Tren out after this week (cut it to a 4 week cycle)...
Don't get off the Tren Train:damn:

I'm adding Tren this week to my cycle, got three bottles, running it at 400mg a Week, it's going to be a crazy ride:banderas:

But the results is worth it:ohlawd:

Just do low impact cardio

What make dose only 250 of Sus


Apr 30, 2012
Of the bottles of sust I have they are all 250 mg/ml except for one which is a 350mg/ml.

I am going to add some cardarine for the rest of the week to see if it works out for my cardio...But if not I will have to toss it in the bushes I need to be able to do a good amount of cardio.

Don't get off the Tren Train:damn:

I'm adding Tren this week to my cycle, got three bottles, running it at 400mg a Week, it's going to be a crazy ride:banderas:

But the results is worth it:ohlawd:

Just do low impact cardio

What make dose only 250 of Sus


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Week 2 - Today is actually my 4th pinned and my 2nd pinned of the week so my last pin for week two.

Pinned 300mg in my Right quad, I'm really finding the sweet spots and it's little pain or none at all.

My strength is going up, my libido is rising and the Androvar and 11-X Prohormome is part of that also

I'm kind of pissed I was expecting to start and add Tren this week to my cycle but It looks like I won't get it until next week, hopefully I get it by Friday
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Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Okay the Test Sus kicked in, my libido is through the roof, especially at night. Brotha needed some ass, had to beat it up twice:snoop:

And my fuse is short with certain shyt especially people at the gym


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Now let's talk about ROID RAGE

There's No Such Thing As ROID RAGE

It's like this whatever irritate you, your fuse for that shyt shortens

Say you don't like a person and he pissed you off but you don't do nothing until it takes alot for you to cuss his ass Out

Well on steroids that patience is shorten, instead of putting up with his shyt and exploding an hour later, 5 minutes is all you have with him...

Put it like this if your an a$$hole then you will be a bigger a$$hole on Gear.

Your patience for shyt that you don't like shortens
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Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Damn It! My first side effect with the Test Sus.

Day before yesterday I took a 2nd serving of my fat burner at 0500pm before I went to the park for some cardio, I was still up at 1230am I couldn't fall asleep until I took a benadryl, I told myself it was taking the fat burner too late

Last Night Same shyt didn't fall asleep until 0200 tossing and turning all night

Woke up did some research and it was The Test Sus, a few people on a Cycle had this symptom.

Bout to buy some sleeping aid, no big thing


Apr 30, 2012
Just hope you don't end up with the hiccups shyt is horrible....I'm going to end up cutting Tren out of my cycle starting now.

Damn It! My first side effect with the Test Sus.

Day before yesterday I took a 2nd serving of my fat burner at 0500pm before I went to the park for some cardio, I was still up at 1230am I couldn't fall asleep until I took a benadryl, I told myself it was taking the fat burner too late

Last Night Same shyt didn't fall asleep until 0200 tossing and turning all night

Woke up did some research and it was The Test Sus, a few people on a Cycle had this symptom.

Bout to buy some sleeping aid, no big thing


Apr 30, 2012
I still don't get how you do the quad injections like that. I usually like to do the gluten and use insulin pins to do site injections....

Week 2 - Today is actually my 4th pinned and my 2nd pinned of the week so my last pin for week two.

Pinned 300mg in my Right quad, I'm really finding the sweet spots and it's little pain or none at all.

My strength is going up, my libido is rising and the Androvar and 11-X Prohormome is part of that also

I'm kind of pissed I was expecting to start and add Tren this week to my cycle but It looks like I won't get it until next week, hopefully I get it by Friday


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I still don't get how you do the quad injections like that. I usually like to do the gluten and use insulin pins to do site injections....
:russ: it start getting easy in the Quads and Delts, I used to tear my self up hitting nerves and shyt:mjlol:

Now it's a little pain from the poke but it slides in (No Greek) like butter

I used to buy the Insulin pins at Walgreens, but it takes to long to load because of the Oil


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Week 3 - Pinned in my Quads 300mg of Test Sust

Libido is through the roof, I'm noticing a little definition. The Senergy from The Test Sus and Androvar, 11-X is real good, I added 5 pounds from The Test already

Still waiting on my Tren, will be getting Anavar also

I'm getting great pumps from The Test SUS


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
YouTube Busted Advertising the Sale of Steroids to Children
YouTube Busted Advertising the Sale of Steroids to Children
YouTube, the popular video-sharing website owned and operated as one of Google’s most trafficked subsidiaries, has been busted advertising the sale of “steroids” in video advertisements viewed by children. Parents were understandably outraged after their young children were encouraged to “order steroids”.

The inappropriate Google ads for steroids appeared prior to several otherwise family-friendly videos between March 14, 2018 and March 17, 2018 according the tabloid newspaper The Sun (UK). The “unskippable” video advertisements were displayed prior to a video of a cute kitten titled “Cat Piggy Bank with Real Kitten Inside”. Numerous parents voiced their complaints on Twitter during this period.

The 49-second advertisement directed viewers to the Crazy-Bulks website to “order steroids… without a prescription” for “fast results” and “no side effects”. However, the website did not really sell illegal anabolic steroids. Instead, Crazy-Bulks offered “legal alternatives” to steroids.

Crazy-Bulks offered products with names like D-Bal (Dianabol), Decaduro (Deca Durabolin), Trenorol (Trenbolone), Testo-Max (Sustanon) and Anadrole (Anadrol). But instead of anabolic steroids as the active ingredients, the products contained dietary and herbal supplements such as amino acids, tribulus terrestris, beta sitosterol, nettle leaf extract, panax ginseng and fenugreek extract.

Parents took their frustrations to Twitter to complain:

“Watching a calm video on @YouTube and interrupted mid-sentence by a blazing advert with crashing drums and fireworks, later followed by a forced ad for steroidpills. Google's “Dont Act Like dikks Until We've Got A Monopoly” strategy in full force,” wrote @AnthonyHocken on March 17, 2018.

“Why is @YouTube trying to sell me steroids in a 45 second ad I can’t skip, it literally says steroids about 10 times during the ad,” wrote @ARandomBloke92 on March 17, 2018.

“Hey YouTube I just got a 50 second non skippable ad about selling steroids,” wrote @PinkYoshiEgg on March 17, 2018.

“Holy f**k @Google @YouTube my kids were watching this kitten video and an unskipable/forced AD was promoting “Legal Steroids”? They actually have to see the whole ad before they can watch a kitten video. Seriously?” wrote @Eispan on March 15, 2018.

A YouTube spokesperson promised to take quick action on the steroid advertisements.

"We have policies in place to govern which ads may appear on YouTube,” the YouTube spokesperson told The Sun. "We enforce these policies rigorously and when a violation is brought to our attention, we take swift action."


Keach, S. (March 17, 2018). BAD AD YouTube slammed over unskippable ad for ‘steroids without prescription’ on videos of KITTENS. Retrieved from


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Top 5 Tips For Painless Pinning

  • IMG_6387-Cropped-800x600.jpg
Many athletes and bodybuilders are hesitant to try injectable steroids for fear of discomfort and infection. The incorrect assumption by many beginners is that oral anabolic steroid preparations are a safer alternative. The harsh reality is quite the opposite though, as oral steroids provide much more risk of adverse effects than the majority of their injectable counterparts. For most athletes, achieving and maintaining their desired level of mass will be much safer to accomplish via the use of injectables such as testosterone and nandrolone than through faster acting oral drugs such as methandrostenolone or oxymetholone. The five tips below will help make your next injection less painful, and potentially safer as well.

1.) Always use a different needle to pull the oil than to inject

Rubber tops in multi-use steroid vials rapidly dull needles. The needle becomes increasingly dull when pulling from multiple vials. By the time you’ve pulled out your Test, Deca and EQ (for example) you will have dulled the needle to a point there is no way I’d dare stick it into myself! It is, in my view, completely necessary to a painless injection that the needle is completely sharp and unused in any way before injecting.

Another pro-tip that will speed the process is to use a larger needle to pull the oil out, then switching to the desired needle size for injection. Chances are, if you’re already afraid of the needle, it’ll only get worse when it takes forever to draw oil into the syringe.

This tip of course does not apply to insulin syringes (slin pins), which do not have removable needles. That said, slin pins should only be used for subcutaneous injections. The only recommended anabolic preparations to inject subcutaneously are growth hormone, insulin, and the various peptides related to growth hormone.

2.) Warm the oil to make it pull and push faster

I recommend letting the tap water get hot and then rotating the steroid viles to be used, one at a time, under the water for ten seconds. At that point, turn the vial upside down and see if there has been a change in viscosity. Some oils may need a few rounds under the water before a difference is noticed, but I don’t recommend leaving the vial under the hot water for too long at one time, as nobody would want to lose their gear to a cracked vial.

During the process of ensuring there are no air bubbles in the syringe, it is natural to push a small amount of the preparation out and have it slide down the needle. This is a great thing, as a sharp and lubricated needle will have an easy time entering the injection site without incident.

Some carriers (oils) used can also be the cause of a slow injection. Many darker oils such as grape seed can be rather thick and slow to leave the needle. As I’m sure we can all agree, an ideal injection is both QUICK and painless. With this in mind, many underground labs are now using ethyl oleate, a nearly clear oil that is incredibly thin and allows for quick, smooth, painless pinning.

3.) Learn your body

A lot of steroid literature online is filled with macho BS and exorbitant doses that need not ever be used unless you’re making a living off of bodybuilding competitions. Just because the latest YouTube star can inject 3cc daily and not complain about it, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Similarly, some people are simply more sensitive to particular substances, such as testosterone propionate that are known for causing pain that can last for a day or two after injection. The general consensus among bodybuilders is that short esters such as propionate and acetate can be bothersome for many, while others don’t find the PIP (post injection pain) to be any different than with the most comfortable shooting of compounds.

Injection sites are another preference you will see vary among long time anabolic steroid users. Many longtime users beginning getting more bold and trying non medical sites for injection. They do this both to avoid scar tissue, and to reap the benefits of spot injecting the oil into muscles they may want to temporarily increase the size of. I strongly recommend avoiding injections in non-medical sites, as health and longevity are paramount to being able to build a truly impressive physique and to performing at your best.

4.) Rotate Sites to avoid scar tissue

After a few cycles, you may find the injection sites that used to be your favorites will start to hurt more than usual. Additionally, the muscle tissue may provide a bit of resistance to the oil being pushed in. Once you notice a couple slow pushing injections in the same muscle, be sure to start re-evaluating your rotation. There comes a time for most where they have to start making their least favorite injection site their temporary go-to, in order to avoid the scar tissue they have built from repeated injections in other sites. For most, pinning is a necessary evil to reaching their athletic goals. It can be an uncomfortable process at times, and scar tissue forces the issue of pushing users outside of their comfort zones.

5.) Don’t overdo applying alcohol or it’ll sting

With many first time or novice AAS users being very afraid of infection, you’ll see some use entirely too much alcohol to sterilize themselves. In reality, a sterile wipe or two will go a long way. The pre-packaged alcohol wipes are definitely my preferred route for sterilization, rather than buying alcohol and applying it to paper towels or sterile pads before dabbing onto the injection site. I’ve had a few times where even my deltoids, a usually pain-free area, stung quite noticeably. Each and every one of these times it was due to applying too much alcohol to the sterile wiping pad. If you find yourself in the position where more alcohol is on the site than desired, simply give an extra minute before injecting. The alcohol will begin to evaporate and dry on its own.

By Alan Hart| June 16th, 2016
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