Chapter 1087 Battleship Bag – OPSCANS

Koby as Luffy's Marine rival? That's a laughable thought after this chapter. Grus and even Helmeppo looked more competent.
Coby has been disappointing. Everyone knew it was a trap but him. I still don't see Garp dying though. He is way too calm at the end of the chapter like he's about to get back up. I also think Sengoku comes in and saves the day.
Garp losing when there wasn't even a Yonko present is gonna annoy me. Coby hasn't lived up to the hype yet, I hope he actually does something epic. But this feels like a wrap for gramps.
I'm not gonna lie. That stab to the chest gave me a marineford flashback, so I'm nervous. Then the "justice will prevail" line felt like some last words marine-loyalty crap.To be fair, Garp is pushing 80, even the strongest person is going to have lost strength by then. I'm sure if he was a few decades younger it would be different.
But if you're worried about Garp dying, don't, I mean it s One PieceI'm sure he'll be fine after some bandages
To be fair, Garp is pushing 80, even the strongest person is going to have lost strength by then. I'm sure if he was a few decades younger it would be different.
But if you're worried about Garp dying, don't, I mean it's One PieceI'm sure he'll be fine after some bandages