Koby awakened observation (before Luffy) and could sense MF island
Koby let Garp train you how to use haki, he's a beast - Marine Doctor
Koby is stated to have incredible observation - Helmeppo, Garp
Koby has mastered Rokushiki and has great observation - Oda, Film z
Koby has great observation - Oda, One Piece Stampede
Koby is a great strategist that why he coordinated the final attacks - One Piece Stampede
Koby is the future - Iron Garp
Koby is the Rocky Port Hero and a steppa - Blackbeard, Hancock, Kyros, SWORD
Koby is my protogee and successor - Garp, GOAT Marine
me watching Koby fail AGAIN to advance as a fighter or show any development while he tanks all my stock

EDIT - fukk it, I am going to blame Oda for this one. Koby is another Kid, hyped for their potential in non panel sources but average otherwise. If Koby cannot come clutch in this environment his character is washed. At this stage his personality isn't affable its annoying and crippling. Tired of hypothetical feats and strength, this is the home stretch put out or fukk off.