Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
Yeah, people are so caught up in the dislike that they don't even see this is the final step to his resolve.I think people are misunderstanding Sanji here. And why this was a good moment for his character *and* Robin's character.
A lesser character (man) would not be capable of going against their pride like that to display their trust in their friend.
Whether it was intentional or not, Sanji also got the info out that they're targeting Robin, and also exposed how their surveilling everyone/thing. Look at the reactions of the other SHs.
Marco seems to understand all this while a guy like Heat (the Kid pirate calling Sanji pathetic) doesn't.
Robin being energized by Sanji's sacrifice, smacking down Black Maria and alluding to her "devil child" epithet were great moments as well. I'm glad she's finally getting a proper fight against an important character.
Now we need to see who Sanji faces.
The Strawhats know and have no problem that Sanji will not fight women, as long as he has the trust in them to fight those battles for him. That's what calling for Robin truly meant, that he trusts her to beat Black Maria. Not out of weakness, but because he trusts his crew and they trust him to win the bigger fight.
Because since he is heading for Kinemon and co, and so is Jack, it looks like that's who he'll be facing off against.
Oda appears to be setting up a Sanji victory over a Yonkou commander while the rest of the Strawhats defeat the Tobi Roppo. Also note that Oda specifically makes Jack state that Black Maria would not stand a chance against the mortally wounded samurai, emphasizing that Jack is way above her level.
People who keep want to see Sanji become Zoro 2.0 need to give it up. In this chapter Oda doubled down that Sanji's weakness is not a liability to the crew, the simping will not change but he will still continue to be one of the strongest fighters in the crew.