cole phelps
this isn't in Africa.. but these were Africans...
What distinguishes the Zanj from numerous other slave rebellions cannot be measured in terms of numbers or the length of their struggle alone because one needs to bear in mind the aptitude displayed time and again in outmanoeuvring the ruling class. Instinctively they knew what needs to be done. That is not to belittle their numbers for this is one instance when quantitative comparisons are not misleading. The Spartacus Rebellion lasted for 3 years (73-71 BCE) and involved around 120,000 slaves. By contrast, the Zanj were 500,000 strong and maintained a marooned state for 15 years. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that their history has not been subjected to the gaze of Hollywood for the latter has an inbuilt tendency for de-memorizing and reifying proletarian resistance to class society. It is, therefore, left to us 21st century proles to re-create the world and times of kindred spirits separated from us by more than a millennium.
No sooner had they taken up arms (well pots and pans to be more precise) against their exploiters that they became adept at night-raids on enemy territory, liberating weapons, horses, food and fellow slaves, burning the rest to cinders to delay retaliation. During their 15 year uprising (869-883 A.D.) the Zanj acquired what was for its time state of the art technology: siege-laying catapults; flame-throwers; rapid chariots; multi-headed arrows. They trained expert engineers who blocked the enemy's advance by constructing impenetrable fortresses, coc00ned inside layers of water canals or conversely built rapid bridges and communication lines for uninvited courtesy calls to the citadels of the gods.
They did not handicap themselves by ignoring the seas. They possessed war ships and freighters. In one battle alone they overcame the Khalifeh's navy to capture 24 ships, which had been chained together by their captains to enhance their defensive capabilities! Rafi' in what seems to us an exaggeration puts the Zanj naval force at 1900 ships!
It pleases the Machiavelli and Cesare Borgia in us to observe that the Zanj never lost sight of the 'conspiratorial' nature of their adventure. Even in the beginning, although lacking in weapons, they displayed great organizational skills. They were ice-cool. Having devised a secret plan, Ali Razi informed his fellow rebels of the details by code. Accordingly each slave was to assassinate on the hour of the same day his (and most were male) master and thus take over his house, wealth and land.The plan worked so well that in no time at all most of present day Iraq, Bahrain and parts of Iran came under their rule.
these brothas man... I don't think we would have it in us today.
The Negro rebellion or Zanj
Sometimes it takes killing 100K persians and cac to get your point across![]()
I always wondered what Jews, Christians, and Muslims (the Black/African followers that is) thought of it. Moses was taught in the way of the Egyptian. He was raised as a member of the elite class with Pharaoh as his grandfather. He looked like other Egyptians. All of this is true according to the OT...
But then theres talk of him going up and receiving the 10 commandments from God, when in reality, Ancient Kemet had Maat/42 negative confessions in their society since at least 3000BC... Moses was thought to have existed at least 1000 years AFTER... The 10 commandments are included (slightly different wording) in the 42 laws of Maat
The 10 commandments and the story of Exodus are a staple in these Abrahamic systems right? I don't know many believers that doubt who and where the 10 commandments came from.
African Historians say Moses must have learned from the Kemetic "mystery schools". Similar to the Europeans scholars hundreds of years later "Stealing" or "borrowing" during their stay in Africa. Similar to Yeshua's supposed time in Egypt when his family went to hide amongst similar looking people
One of the small examples of why I feel its important to go to our own sources, using our own interpretations... How can so many outsiders control the narrative?
explainthe abrahamic religion you are referring to was the religion passed down by Adam which predates ancient african history, science, and spirituality
the abrahamic religion you are referring to was the religion passed down by Adam which predates ancient african history, science, and spirituality
Abraham was taught by melchizadok, do the math
the abrahamic religion you are referring to was the religion passed down by Adam which predates ancient african history, science, and spirituality
Is there a name for this religion? He passed this religion to Cain and Abel?
And do you believe the earth, or humanity is 6,000 years old (begins circa 4000 bc)
And in your opinion, were Adam and Eve created in Africa, or Arabia?
I believe that Africans migrated, and settled in those areas before mixing with others