ADOS is a primarily centered around reparations.
It's an ethnic nationalistic movement but it has a goal. We just ain't reading books about slavery and racial inequality just to have some type of "consciousness".
We want our birthright, anybody saying ridiculous things like "Reparations isn't realistic"
Is against the central goal that ADOS is about.
Is against what the entire ADOS experience is about. People reparations isn't realistic is ignorant of American history and the history of ADOS.
We were supposed to never become free. We were supposed to never even stay in the USA.
And yet we here. We do the "unrealistic".
Heres the problem. If they go by the false narrative they give you that EVERYONE that was black was a slave, they'd have to empty out their bank accounts and leave to give you what you deserve. If they tell you the truth, then they'd expose the nuances that there were blacks who owned blacks, whites who owned whites, among other things. Then you'd see that what you're owed is them leaving and going back to where they came from and giving you what they made off your back (and land but thats another story)..
It isnt realistic breh. Its not going to happen without some type of force putting fire to them to make them do it. And forcing isnt voting or hopping on twitter and using hashtags...