
Dec 16, 2015
You didnt answer my question in anyway, shape, or form, and your statement in of itself is ambiguous. Does ADOS mean something different now? Is it a group focused solely on getting reparations and nothing else?

ADOS is a primarily centered around reparations.

It's an ethnic nationalistic movement but it has a goal. We just ain't reading books about slavery and racial inequality just to have some type of "consciousness".

We want our birthright, anybody saying ridiculous things like "Reparations isn't realistic"

Is against the central goal that ADOS is about.

Is against what the entire ADOS experience is about. People reparations isn't realistic is ignorant of American history and the history of ADOS.

We were supposed to never become free. We were supposed to never even stay in the USA.

And yet we here. We do the "unrealistic".


Dec 8, 2015
ADOS is a primarily centered around reparations.

It's an ethnic nationalistic movement but it has a goal. We just ain't reading books about slavery and racial inequality just to have some type of "consciousness".

We want our birthright, anybody saying ridiculous things like "Reparations isn't realistic"

Is against the central goal that ADOS is about.

Is against what the entire ADOS experience is about. People reparations isn't realistic is ignorant of American history and the history of ADOS.

We were supposed to never become free. We were supposed to never even stay in the USA.

And yet we here. We do the "unrealistic".
Nah. Industrial revolution was always going to make slavery obsolete and it was always going to be logistically and economically stupid not to keep black people in the U.S first of all. Secondly, no histroy in Earth is going to tell me wether or not reparations is realistic or not. Also, this is a 1+1 question. Saying something is unrealistic how does that mean he is against it? You haven't answered this one simple question. Is your goal to goal to get reparations or make it seem realistic.


Dec 16, 2015
Nah. Industrial revolution was always going to make slavery obsolete and it was always going to be logistically and economically stupid not to keep black people in the U.S first of all. Secondly, no histroy in Earth is going to tell me wether or not reparations is realistic or not. Also, this is a 1+1 question. Saying something is unrealistic how does that mean he is against it? You haven't answered this one simple question. Is your goal to goal to get reparations or make it seem realistic.

Slavery isn't obsolete in the USA. The prisoners are slaves and they are disportionately Black. Read Slavery by Another Name and infact watch Slavery by Another Name. Watch 13th.

Black people were kidnapped and falsely imprisoned right after emancipation and forced to work.

Black people after emancipation and after the removal of federal troops in the South, were locked into raw deals with planters and became sharecroppers and worked for nothing with their slave masters. Many of us come from sharecroppers.

Slavery isn't dead in the USA, it's alive.

Slavery isn't dead around the world, it's alive.

That's what I am saying it's ignorance and saying it's unrealistic is ignorance. Slavery never left, Black folks are still enslaved through the legal system and the USA has the most prisoners in the world. This isn't about the economics of slavery. It's about the desire to keep ADOS subordinate and an underclass because the wealth of the USA is built of failure and subjugation of our ancestors and those of us in the current day.

Only White people who wanna act like the Civil War wasn't about slavery or make some pro-capitalism argument about slavery as if the industrial revolution was free Black people. Black slaves were foundational to the Industrial Revolution, slaves picked the cotton, slaves ran the plantations. If it wasn't for us fighting in the Civil War, we would still be slaves because the South, the economic driver of the cotton industry, enjoyed their wealth and status off the backs of slaves. No amount of "economic competition" is gonna compete with free labor. That's silly.

So yeah, saying reparations is unrealistic is against the ADOS movement because without reparations, ADOS cannot exist in the USA, we heading towards the status of having zero wealth, we are going backwards because capitalism has became more ruthless. The goal is get reparations, not make it realistic.

People that think it's unrealistic are not very well educated on reparations and how they work. Jews got reparations. Native Americans got reparations. Everybody has gotten reparations except ADOS. It's not about realism, realism doesn't exist, it's about the will to do it.

So yeah, for all intents and purposes, in my opinion and many others, if you ain't for reparations or think it is impossible, you are against us. This is a take no prisoners approach. I don't have time for fence sitters or those that think it's cute that ADOS is a thing, no we have a goal and it's attaining reparations by any means.

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Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
"but Russia, Russia, Russia"


MSNBC Cooled on Booking Trump-Russia Analyst Malcolm Nance After Mueller Report Dropped

MSNBC Cooled on Booking Trump-Russia Analyst Malcolm Nance After Mueller Report Dropped

By Aidan McLaughlinMay 1st, 2019, 4:07 pm

MSNBC cooled on booking national security analyst Malcolm Nance in the wake of the Mueller report, according to a scoop from journalist Yashar Ali.

Nance was once a regular fixture on MSNBC — where he reliably blasted the Trump administration and unleashed dire speculations about the Russia investigation — up until April 13. After that, Nance didn’t appear on the network for weeks, even after the Mueller report dropped on April 18. He reappeared on Joy Reid’s show this weekend.

According to Ali, MSNBC brass told bookers in two emails that if they wanted to invite Nance on their programs, they would first have to run it by the director of booking.

MSNBC declined to comment when reached by Mediaite.

The first email was sent in March, one day after a Daily Beast report noted a dip in MSNBC’s ratings following Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the Mueller report. The Beast report emphasized Nance’s hyperbolic commentary on the Russia investigation.

“The next morning, the first email ordering bookers to consult with higher-ups before booking Nance was sent out,” Ali reported.

The second email to bookers was sent the week the Mueller report was released. Nance’s disappearance from MSNBC’s air during a story that fell within his field of commentary was not lost on his fans, including Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, who tweeted: “BRING BACK @MalcolmNance ASAP!!!”

What’s more, Ali reported that the week of the Mueller report, Nance was “booked for programs but was unbooked by MSNBC brass.” Ouch.

Per Ali, this tweet from Nance also alarmed MSNBC executives, who saw it as “unprofessional and hyperbolic.”

It’s worth pointing out that networks practice discretion when it comes to who they invite on air and the frequency with which they use contributors. But Nance’s disappearance during such a momentous news cycle — following months of ubiquity on the network — is noteworthy.

Good :banderas:

too many people are choosing dumb shyt like russia as their hill to down on.


Oct 17, 2015
Good :banderas:

too many people are choosing dumb shyt like russia as their hill to down on.
I come to the point in my life that CNN and MSNBC do not exist to me because anytime you turn to them they talkin Russia.
Not sure but two of them look like they might have a white parent.
I believe they all are while two are mixed.

two do, but they still ADOS. espescially the MISS USA one, she identifies as Black. The darker bw isnt tho.

I was just curious because someone asked somewhere else.


All Star
Dec 4, 2012
I come to the point in my life that CNN and MSNBC do not exist to me because anytime you turn to them they talkin Russia.

two do, but they still ADOS. espescially the MISS USA one, she identifies as Black. The darker bw isnt tho.

I was just curious because someone asked somewhere else.

Nia Franklin I think is AA. Not sure about the others.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation