Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
@rapbeats you should be in here, breh.

No it aint.

There are two different questions for two different groups.

Question #1. Where's my money?
Which is a question to all white people in america.

Yes we deserve it because it was our money to begin with. real simple. Make the payouts by way of taxes. pay into a FUND(not some stock 401k nonsense). something that might hold a super small amt of interest. is not there for that. its there to disperse and disperse only.

Question #2
How will the ADOS people figure out how to prove they are ADOS on and off paper and others that are not ADOS are not ADOS on paper, no matter what they physically look like or say? Proving this will be show the government who to disperse the monies to that were gathered in question 1.

#2 has NOTHING to do with #1. anyone saying it does is a black person thats lost and afraid. or is a racist non black trying to come up with a bs reason to hate and stop us from getting the money we deserve.

Stop it.

Listen for all you "no cash payment" people. How's about this. You dont take a cash payment. We'll throw your CASH back into the bucket and redistribute it to everyone who's down for cash payments. by the way, we will also get tax exemption.

Let me explain why No cash payments is not an option. Doesnt mean i wouldnt take the other stuff even the white man pushed back to hard on the cash. but i will never stop asking for my money in hand because its deserved. period.

Stop acting like you dont deserve BOTH cash in hand, tax exemptions, school cost exemptions, etc, etc. these are specific things they did to black people in specific areas of society which has hindered our development/growth as a GROUP of people (not talking about one off individuals here and there.).

oh and never forget, you have an entire slew of black folks on welfare or barely making ends meets. what a tax exemption gone do for them. ? nothing. thats why cash payments, land, all the stuff i said above, etc, etc. is DUE. and I dont negotiate based on an oppressors children's feelings. doing that means you never ask for anything that makes them uncomfortable. these are the same people that didnt like you drinking at their same water fountains. and thats who i'm trying to pacify? stop it.

Nope. Until the stats show that ADOS are statistically on par in education, income, ownership(business/home) with our white counterparts. and sorry I will not exclude the outlier ultra rich whites and their big businesses, like amazon, FB, Microsoft, etc. part of the reason they are as rich as they are is due to slavery. every year, or even mid year the stats come out. and lets see where ADOS falls.

This is why even though i would vote for bernie. bernie's anti reparations stance excuse is bull.... he thinks if EVERYONe gets a lift then we will all be ok as americans. sure i would be better off with that boost. but i would stilll remain 10 times lower than my white counterpart. thats what needs to be corrected.

the last part is really the reason why you dont want a cash payout. that is the real reason a lot of you are AFRAID. you're so stuck on this idea that we're so dumb we're going to blow all of our money on strippers and weed. Sure some of us will. but guess what, a lot of very wealthy white people that are children of rich parents Do absolutely nothing positive with their money. they just spend spend spend. we are no different. we are HUMAN. a lot of their people would blow lotto winnings to. they just blow it on other stuff that will eventually do them in. but for the most part. you give people in need ENOUGH cash money, they will blow some and start to purchase NEEDS. sure a lot of it would go back to cacs. but a lot of that would go into black businesses being created.

Do you know how many black people would love to start a business but dont have a dime to their name? Do you know why white people and other groups own so many businesses where we dont? aside from shady laws in the past literally barring us from getting in. It's because they have more wealth. Meaning they have enough cash, to Eff up their first few attempts at business and to try it again and get it right that 4th time.

IF by chance a black person has made a few pennies in his/her lifetime and has enough to start a business. he/she probably has just enough to mess up ONCe and if that happens its a wrap. they will not have a do over. because we dont have that kind of cash. WE NEED that cash money, and tax exemption, and tuition exemption, and .......exemption. on and on and on. I aint scared of nothing. I'm asking for what you owe me. you go high first. then you come to some seemingly middle ground. you dont star the conversation from a fearful position in negotiations. Thats how i know you aint white Dead. You, mr business owner, mr i aint doing that bad . even you dont understand one of the greatest traits of a white person is the idea that they can't lose when they negotiate. Start from a place where they will give you everything they owe you. Then fight tooth and nail and end up getting MOST of what you deserve but most likely not all because this is still a racist nation and we're less than 20% of the pop. it is what it is. but i aint scared to ask for whats mine.

Google black farmers. and see what they did and are still doing to us on that front. all that talk you hear about blacks need to farm or start growing this or that, land. blah blah blah. we did that too. and guess who stepped in and cheated us as usual? your favorite villain. the white man. every way you look, every time you turn around there he/she is doing what they do to hold us back or take away something we've built. they owe us a lot. never be afraid of asking for what they owe you. you never know what might happen. dont ASSUME anything.

ADOS is not about other AMERICAs bruh. each America has to make their own separate claim. ADOS is about north america and north america only.

here's what will happen if ADOS people actually got reparations. It would set a precedent as ADOS people usually do when it comes to the civil rights and plights of black people worldwide. Whatever we do over here always changes the game world wide. thats why its hilarious that these other black folks are so afraid of us getting what we deserve on our own. not realizing, it would help them to get what they're owed as well. it literally ALWAYS works like that. shoot, it works like that for all minority groups including white women. anytime black folks in america push a civil rights agenda. every single minority group you can come up with prospers behind it.

remember all the scared latins and asians during that oscar so white movement. and that was an easy one. all of a sudden the heads in charge are a lot more diverse. all of a sudden you have latins and asians where you didnt see any before. but those same latins and asians are scared to death of the movement and some were anti. but as usual. we stick our necks out there, get shot up, watered hosed down and end up winning something for everyone.

sit back and watch us work.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
wrong again. You care about tax exemptions because you have or had a business. most people black or other do not own or ever will own businesses. so even doing that solid will only hit on certain people in that sector. sure we can scale out those effects if we choose but that goes for anything. In addition, i told you if you aint making much on your day job what the hell will tax exemption do for you. you already got Foe Kids and no husband, claiming head of the household with your ailing aging mama living with you. You are getting back as much as you possibly can already. if could file exempt . you wouldnt get much difference back overall. because you dont make anything and due to your circumstances/situation you're already getting a tax exempt status more or less.

i see the failures in a tax exempt status. YET i'm not saying NO TAX EXEMPT status like you're saying no Cash. you know why? because I know, and aint scared to say they owe us BOTH.Therefore, I will ask for both.

Oh by the way, since you're so anti cash payouts because we will blow them. If you get tax exemptions on your business and tax exemptions on your job for those that make decent money. You do realize you will have more what? Cash... on hand. so then you might blow that at the strip club and on rims and jordans. personally I could care less. not my issue. my issue is with getting paid what i'm owed. PERIOD.

What happens when you have a failing business. that exemption goes to waste. What happens when you're not working, That Tax exemption goes to waste.

This is why you need Cash payments TOO.

You need the cash to start the businesses if you originally had horrible credit therefore you can't get a decent loan even if they were willing to give you one.

thats all well and good. but the problem is, you are calling REPARATIONS a hand out. How the hell do you change the definition of word to mean whatever you feel like it means?

Thats the problem with Racist people. They do that stuff just to stop from admitting and doing whats right. Sorry, they can spin anything, tax exemptions included to state "handout" when it pertains to black people.

GIMME my MONEY that you owe me. I want my cash, I want my exemptions from taxes, school fees, etc. I want all of what you owe me. I dont care about your feelings. It's not about feelings, its about paying what you owe.

when is the last time the bill collector ever asked you about how you felt about how they phrased "X Amt is DUE"

They dont try to get cute. they say Cac mamba you OWE X amt. Pay up by this due date or else you will be subject to late fees/penalties.

Nothing about that word = hand out. PERIOD. You did something to me financially, physically, mentally, land wise, education wise, etc. Therefore, you owe me for those atrocities. time to pay your bill.

And the black people that call it a handout is just brainwashed by white daddy. it happens, we're all victims that just show it in different ways.

loser short sighted mentality. The majority of americans didnt want you drinking at their water fountains or going to their schools. look at us now. with your mentality we would not have seen that progress. because you can't make progress looking at what a white supermacist thinks and using that as "well he/she wont go for that." he she wont go for anything if you go back far enough.

Some of yall, if i pulled your history I would see yall swearing reparations at all was never going to happen. but low and behold there are REAL conversations about it with actual potentional presidents and congress people. In addition, i just showed what Georgetown did and is thinking about doing in regards to reparations.

What i'm saying is this. if we took your approach we would always be afraid to ask for what we are owed and what's fair/ethical/right. That is why you cant take that defeatist approach. You have to tell people that owe you something that they owe you something and tell them how much. once you do that, its on them to do the right thing...or not.

actually it should be ignored you know why. we live in america, where blacks make up less than 20% of the population and own a very very small portion of the local businesses and dont own any portion of the very large business that aint involving entertainment. this means. guess where our money is going to go REGARDLESS of cash payments or not? you will still shop at costco, walmart, ralphs, kroger, target, TJ maxx, Macys, Sears, etc, etc. You will still eat at fast food spots that are not owned by us, you will still order pizza on fridays when dominoes, pizza hut, papa johns is not owned by us. You will still go get gas at arco, shell, etc that is not owned by us. You will go get your brand new car at the next ford dealership, that is not owned by us. What will happen is if they gave us everything we deserved. we would either have part ownership in some of these large/small companies cause we should. or we will have enough cash, exemptions (taxes, education, etc.) to the point where we could start building up our own businesses small and large. You dont build walmart in a day. that takes decades to pull off. yes we will finally be able to have more local stuff close by. and the more local stuff owned by us close by we will be able to STAY in the hood when we choose to eat out, grocery shop, etc. But until that is the case Country wide, the rest of us will be stuck at target getting our toilet paper, shower gel, and paper towels. it is what it is. until its something different. different takes a lot of time. reparations will not fix everything. reparations and a lot of time will fix a lot though.

You want a solid argument that has always won even with civil rights. Its called Green/Money. if you give me cash in hand not just exemptions or other stuff that aint cash. I will promise you that X number of black dollars will flow right back into the economy and in the hands of some black, a lot of asian, a lot of hispanic, a lot of jewish, a lot of non jewish white folks hands. thats the reality of it. and we know its true. that is an excellent way to sell it. Look. you pay me my money and I will have money to spend. now payday loans will be dead. sorry. a lot of check cashing places will go extinct. basically us paying an extra tax for being broke in the hood will be gone because we have money now. but that money has to be spent some where. and right now black folks dont have the infrastructure to hold all that money to themselves. they just dont. so that means X amt of dollars has to go into the hands of OTHERS. its just math. at least for a good 50 or so years. its going to take a long time even with reps to basically do what we see other communities doing as a group. Even once we get our businesses popping, where do you think we are going to get our bulk items from or wholesale items? Asians(they have it on lock), whites(they've been at this for 100's of years), some latins depending on the sector.

Now maybe we could link up with our african brothers and sistas across the pond and moves some products back and forth. again another nice talking point to keep them from hating so hard on an ADOS movement. it will financially help them too.because i promise you there are tons of us that would love to do REAL big business with them but we dont have the access to capital we would need to make a dent. the tourism over there will blow up as well. a lot of people would have enough money to finally say forget it and just head on out to the motherland and never come back.

they can bs all they want. the movement is moving. aint nothing stopping that movement. It has never in my life time been this mainstream. that means something.


Aug 6, 2015
Some try to be politically realistic, which I can appreciate. But they are short-sighted in terms of how movement can be won.

Civil Rights Movement wasn't won in a day. Neither will this.

Totally agree. As we know - this has been going on for a LONG time -- since Callie House and Mr. dikkerson. And this is the most push it has gotten since.


Sep 7, 2015
So I'm watching Fahrenheit 11/9. I never knew what evil ADOS have been dealing with Gov. Synder flint was intentional poisoned. I always thought it was due bad infrastructure, but Flint always recieved their water from Lake Huron.

He used an "Emergency Manager" to seize control of Michigan cities a coup. 51% of Black people compared to 2% of whites are living in these cities.

Michigan's emergency manager law is racist, lawsuit argues

I suggest everyone watch the flim. It's breaks down how serious it is for ADOS in flint and Michigan in general.
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