Antonio Moore has written quite a bit on the problems black celebrity has at this time and how it interferes with black politics. The problems we face as ADOS are multi-faceted and I personally think this aspect is important as well.
Edit: As I think about this subject a little more I remembered that
@Stacker Pentecost brought forth a statistic in one of her videos that black people watch an extremely large amount of television. That means we are getting bombarded by this imagery and messaging on a regular basis so it has a lot of influence on how we see ourselves and the world at large. So again talking about black celebrity and it's negative influence is very important.
Black people do consume the most media out of any group in the USA and I have seen White people and Black people argue using Black celebrities as a proof of progress and I was in horror.
Tone's hyperviligiance on Black celebrities is annoying however, but we have to understand who we are as Black people.
We worship celebrities and champion celebrities since we got here. From Jack Johnson to Muhammad Ali to Puffy to Lebron to Beyonce. For White people, Taylor Swift is just a very good and talented pop singer-songwriter. For Black people, Beyonce is a beacon and champion of Black womanhood. It's not that same.
We use celebrities as barometers to our success and access to the "American Dream" and often that dream is an exorbitant amount of wealth. It's not good families, safe neighborhoods, and a stable life. We have to tear down celebrity. Especially somebody like Jay Z who is this hyper capitalist, aspirational figure. If we don't do it, ADOS is gonna continue to believe that they can invest some stocks, save their money, buy some real estate and all this fantastical capitalist nonsense that isn't even possible for 25 percent of our population instead of fight for what is owed to them by birthright.